Until You're Mine (2)

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Thanks for the great responses on the last chapter! They were so nice! We hope you enjoy this one!

Oh and just to let you know, this story is written by two people :) -Lifelovemusic1312 and samantele12.



The rest of the day went by like it usually did; serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner, doing even more cleaning and washing. 

I was as tired as I usually was by eight o'clock, when I go to my little cabin outside the house. Paula lived just across me and Melissa was besides me. The driver lived across her, and just to give you an idea, Melissa is in love with him, even though he is ten years older than her.

I was so glad I could plop down on my single bed. I've been looking forward to this the whole day. My feet were hurting and my old shoes have left red marks on the sides of my feet. I frowned at it, I've had these shoes for over a year now and I really need to buy new ones or else my feet are going to be covered in red marks at the end of the week.

I lie down and stare at the ceiling above me, enjoying the feeling of my bed. I love the feeling of being able to relax for the first time all day. After a little while, I fell into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

The next morning I awoke at the usual time, six a.m. I quickly scurry to the bathroom and get showered and clean. I hurry to put some natural makeup on so I can be inside and preparing breakfast by six thirty.

I got everything out to make pancakes, assuming that is what everybody would want and got to work preparing them. Melisa actually did something productive by setting the table and getting Camilla's apple juice. Better Melissa, than me, Camilla hates me. They all do, but who cares?

I just finished making the last pancake and laying it on the plate when I hear from behind me, "Good morning ladies!"

Drew sat down as Camilla came into the room like she was famous and needed so much attention. I lay the pancakes down on the table.

"Good morning Mr. Drew. Good morning Miss. Camilla." I mumble looking down.

"Alyssa, like always, I say, it is Drew! Now, I need your help with something, can you come with me?" I nod my head and follow him into the backyard. I am confused, what would he need help with in the back?

He turns to me once we are past the point of being seen by anyone from inside. "I know how much Melissa and everyone bother you and you work so hard, so I have a surprise for you." He smiles as he grabs my hand and leads me to his surprise.

As he brought me to his surprise, I gasp. In front of me is the prettiest, sweetest, best thing I have ever seen in my poor life.

He has laid out a blanket and has a picnic set up. There are little flowers everywhere and being in the garden just makes it even more special. We were in a spot where the flowers hang from everywhere. The gardeners do such a good job, I am going to have to mention that to them later.

He walked to the other side of the blanket and looked at me. I could imagine how stupid my face looked that moment. But all I could do that moment was drool over the beautiful view in front of me.

It was like in one of those things where a guy takes you out on a date…wait a minute. This can't be right...

“Okay, what do you need help with?” I asked, going back to normal. I then realised that it was probably for his girlfriend, if he had one. I felt so stupid…he probably wanted me to make it look even better for him and his girl. He probably needed me to make some more food for the picnic.

“I’m sure your girlfriend will love it, there’s nothing you can do to make it better, Mr Drew,” He rolled his eyes at me, he came closer to me. Not as close as I would have wanted… shut up Alyssa, shut up. But he was standing right in front of me his face a few centimeters away from mine.

 “First, for the millionth time, it’s Drew! Forget the M and R. It. Is. Drew! “He was shouting but he didn’t sound annoyed, offended or mad at all. In fact he was smiling down at me. I smiled back.

I took a few steps back and looked around myself, blue Lillie’s, red Roses and other beautiful flowers leaning over the little picnic. It was beautiful, I didn't want to stop looking all around me.

“Well, I am going to go. This looks wonderful! Have a nice date with your girlfriend,” I spun around to go inside, but he grabbed me by my elbow and spun me around, me tripping and knocking him down on to the grass, beside’s the blanket. We landed with a ‘wooff’

My hair was in my face, but through them, I could see him grinning. I quickly stood up and went over my dress skirt with one hand, trying to make myself look decent. I have to look presentable in front of anyone from his family.

“Alyssa, this picnic is for ME and YOU!” He told me when he saw me getting ready to leave.  I raised my eyebrows at him and when I realised what he just said, my jaw dropped open. He started laughing at me and I closed my mouth so he would stop laughing. Apparently something was still funny.

“Look Drew, I would love to, but I have SO much work to do! I honestly…” He interrupted me by plopping down on the ground and bringing me with him. I sat down beside him.

“You don’t have to worry about that, Melissa will work for you for about an hour,” Wow…was he joking. Melissa was working for me for nothing….wait….did she charge Drew…

“What did you give her…?” I asked slowly, eying him suspiciously.

“All it took was a new pair of shoes,” He said simply and I laughed at that. That girl had probably more shoes than Camilla…Nah…Camilla has probably billions of pairs, seeing that she was a ‘super model’. But Melissa does have a lot too!

So, we started eating the sandwiches that Paula made. It was a bit weird eating with him and all that time I felt like somebody was watching us that feeling was almost going away when someone moved in the bushes and I immediately stood up, followed by Drew.

“Did you hear that?” I asked eyeing the bushes. I swear I saw something in there, and I most definitely heard someone moving.

“It’s probably a rat or squirrel,” He said shrugging. No…it was definitely something…more.

“First of all- all the gates are ‘rat proof’ and there are NO squirrels around here,” I told him. This was definitely not gonna end well.

My feelings confirmed when Mrs. Lisa came stamping out the door towards us…this was a bad sign…hell this was the sign of my death. I am going to be fired! Oh no...

“Drew! What do you think you are doing here with this…?” She frowned looking me up and down.

I really hated Drew, for not listening to me. I knew nothing like this ever ends well, ever!

“…with this…maid? She is not someone you hang out with!” She finished with disgust in her face. It didn’t hurt when she made fun of me or made nasty comments; in ten years I have heard so much that you have no idea.

I looked behind her and there was Melissa with a smirk paying on her lips…I seriously hate her…I can get fired for this. I knew you can't trust people, especially people like Melissa.


Okay! So what do you guys think? 

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