Author's note + Prologue

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Hey, hey, this might actually be beneficial to read! Don't skip the bold writing!

Hi, so I'm Dragonite13, as you may notice, I'm a pokemon fan. This story is a fanfiction based on the events of the gen 5 games, specifically black and black 2. Pokemon black was my favourite game ever, with snivy being one of my favourite starters of all time, Reshiram being my favourite legendary, N being one of the most well developed characters I've ever seen in a pokemon game, and the ending being so emotional and satisfying. I'll be honest, I didn't enjoy black 2 as much, but it was a good ending to the generation.

However, I always thought, there has to be more! There were so many questions that black 2/white 2 didn't answer. Will Hilda/Hilbert ever meet N again? Where did they go? What happened to the other characters that weren't mentioned since the end of black/white? So many more as well. But I though to myself one day, while drawing Reshiram, why don't I come up with answers to those questions myself?
And so, this story was born.

It started as a small idea and a very complex drawing, but I developed it and created character personalities, and it turned into a full story before I knew it. The inclusion of a few shippings and conflict, and wham, I had a story. There's probably too many characters, too many conflicting ideas, and a plotline that isn't strong enough, but I still like it.

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