Pregnancy test

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This is for my dearest friend Daeja. Love u girl Boo.

This is also written by: Tara


“ Holy fuck baby so deeper” I practically screamed as Jermaine hit my spot. He plunged his fat cock into me and made me cum for about the 7th time in an hour, he had only cum once and I really wanted him to stop fucking me so I can give him a blowjob and he can blow his load all over my face.

Suddenly, if possible he started to go faster, my moaning got deeper and he pulled my hair and demanded “ Deaja im gonna cum, come suck my cock “ He pulled out of my pussy and slid himself into my mouth, and i started sucking like my life depended on it. Pulling and twisting my hand around his cock until i heard him release a heavy groan and felt his jizz go down my throat.

With that we both fell onto the bed covering up and cuddling each other.

I woke up alone. I immediately had to vomit, running tot the bathroom and just getting the toilet seat cover open just in time i spilled into it whatever my stomach contained and collapsed against the seat thinking back to my last period.

Its been about 3 months but my period had always been really weird, but just in case i dug into my medicine cabinet and saw the emergency pregnancy test i bought last week just in case something happened, and it was also advised my my friend Diana.

Sitting on the toilet humming to the new Mindless Behavior song Mrs. Right, i quickly peed on the stick then waited the required 5 minuets. I turned over the stick anxious to know the answer.

Shaking my head i knew my life was like over. I had to tell Ricky, but he would flip. All i know is that even if he leaves me im not aborting or even giving up my baby.

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