The Story

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Open your eyes

What do you see?

A small gravestone with purple tulips laying on top.

The name carved into the stone makes you turn away... before you cry once again.

You promised you wouldn't, not again...

You close your eyes and see him laughing.

A time when you were small and you were together underneath the star filled sky.

He grabs your small hand and points to the sky, showing you the stars.

He says to you, "the universe was made just to be seen by your eyes."

The stars shine bright with many colors, some shine brighter than others, but they are all for you.

You smile and watch as a shooting star passes for both of you to see.

You open your eyes again, but a tear falls gently this time.

"Daddy, can you say it all again?"

You close your eyes once again.

You see the heart monitor beat faintly, yet steadily.

You hold his hand gently, feeling his chest rise up and down slowly.

You can feel his heart beating, though slower than normal.

His eyes slowly open and he smiles that gentle smile that always makes you feel like everything is going to be alright.

With shortness of breath, he tells the infinite amount of memories and love he has held within.

His words pour out as the planets dance together in the sky.

With all his heart and soul, his heart races, his smile brightens, and his courage deepens.

Everything ever felt is said by his infinite knowledge.

He touches your cheek softly and whispers to you one last time,

"How rare and beautiful it is to even exist."

The grips in his hand loosens and you can hear the monitor slowly flatline as the tears flow hot and fast down your face.

You open your eyes

You take out a pen along with a white slip of paper.

You bend down to write on the paper just before...

You close your eyes one last time.

You hold his strong and gentle hand as you look up to see him still there.

You are walking up a hill with your small shoes and a bright smile on your face.

He sits down on the wooden bench at the top of the hill and picks you up to sit on his lap.

The sky is barely changing from its starfilled midnight black, to its' bright pink and blue.

We sit there together and you can just see the sun start to peak over the land.

The light shines on the water, showing all the life inside and illuminating the dew drops all around you.

The sun starts to rise even higher and the colors turn into a bright orange with a splash of yellow.

You open your eyes.

The words on the paper read,

"I'd give anything to hear your words one last time... that the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes.... of how rare and beautiful it truly is to even exist."

You stand up and smile your most brightest smile before finally...

Closing your eyes once again.

"It's time to move on,"

You tell yourself.

You open your eyes

And finally walk away from the grave...

Close Your EyesWhere stories live. Discover now