Hope in the Skyline x

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As time passes,

We look for the hope,

The glimmer,

The horizon.

To stretch across the seas,

Explore new lands,

And unlock new adventures,

Hidden in our hearts and our minds.

For it is not on what is on the outside,

It is what is on the inside.

The gold happiness ruining through your spine,

The trickles of joy in your nerves,

The sweet smells of summer

In your nose.

As we all sit and wonder,

We decide to take our lives 

Into our own hands,

And take a step into the future,

For we the people are the future,

Not just one person.

Take matters into our own,

Fill the cup of life to the maximum,

Take chances and take risks,

For we don't know what tomorrow holds

And what lays on the other side of that sunset,

Until we see the dawn break,

And the morning light shines through out the valley of everlasting life,

Bringing us a new day,

A new hope.

Maybe It's Your Summer : A Book Of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now