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He walked in no specific direction. Through the snow covered open field so aimlessly through the snow. He liked the snow despite the bitter cold. He could tell easily what had gone where and what ways to avoid. Hollis shivered as he crinkled his eyes against the Icy wind and clutched his breast as if he should let go his body would fall apart. His booted feet cut through the pure unblemished snow creating an easily traceable path. The lower part of his face covered by a black half mask. He closed his eyes and lost himself in regrets and memory's.

He remembered the times he spent so carefree and ignorant. He wished he didn't go out with Maria the day it started he wished he got across the bridge before it exploded. He was quite sure people on the other side lived happy and care free drinking warm tea thankful that they lived.

He remembered the day life had gone to shit.

He skipped along the sidewalk sun bathing his face. His sister stumbled as she was pulled along.

"Hollis!" Maria huffed "I am wearing heals and your dragging me! I'm quite surprised I haven't snapped my ankles yet! What's with the hurry Speedy?"

"Daniel told me there's a new comic out!" Hollis slowed down.

"Why is this one so special?"

"Deadpool and Spiderman kiss, like a boy and a girl can."

Maria raised an eyebrow.

"I know unbelievable right? I didn't really ever think about it. It's called being gay when it's two boys, and lesbian when it's two girls."

Maria's face reflected shock as she said "I don't think I want you hanging out with Daniel anymore-" she went unheard as Hollis ripped the comic stores door open and zipped inside like Speedy Gonzales. His eyes shot around the Deadpool section looking for his holy grail of a comic. He spotted it and proceeded to jump up and down excitedly as he grabbed it. He walked over to Maria on the other side of the store and held it out.

She eyed comic up and down distastefully.
"How can you be sure this is right one?"

He opened the book and nearly died as he saw the picture of Deadpool kissing an unconscious spider man in a broom closet.

"Hollis I am not buying that comic for you..."

"But Maria please you said you would."

She bit her lip and glare softened knowing her innocent little brother wasn't to blame for this.

"Pick another one Hollis."
Dejectedly he put it back and spent no effort in trying to find another comic and grabbed the first one he saw.

Maria sighed in relief and smiled as she grabbed Hollis' hand and walked to the counter. Hollis could barely contain himself. He shook like a jumping bean as he waited at the counter after a while of seeing no one. He slapped the bell.
Maria glared. "Hollis! Be patient!"

Hollis slapped the bell again.

"Holliiiss." Maria whined.

The Mexican jumping bean shook bouncing slightly.

He smacked the bell again.

Maria didn't say a word.

He slapped it. He slapped it again. Then he slapped it again, and again, and again.

Unable to take anymore he stomped to the employee room only to get pulled away by Maria.

"Hollis, it's okay. I'll buy you the comic somewhere else."

He sighed disappointed.

"Alright." He walked out of the store with his sister and to a nearby mall with his sister.

Once Hollis and Maria had arrived at their destination Maria's phone vibrated in her purple plump purse that was gorged with pens and makeup..

When she finally managed to wrangle it out of her purse the call had ended. She pressed it to her ear listening to messages while she furrowed her brow. Once she was done she grabbed Hollis's hand.

" Hollis we need to go right now!" She tugged him along while Hollis shot off questions a mile per minute.

" Ma Maria?! What are you doing?!"

" I don't know what going on, but dad sounded really frantic."
She said nothing and trudged foreword at a pace he didn't think possible for Maria.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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