Chapter 1

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Is all I heard as I awoke from my tranquil sleep. The three knocks echoed throughout the room once again. My first thought instantly tracked down the road of normalness as I checked the time but noticed that it was three in the morning, not my normal wake up time. My second thought was to check who was knocking, so as I clumsily got out of my warm doona, my feet touched the cold wooden floor and I trekked my way to the door, I had finally woken up enough to realise that something wasn't right.

My hand reached for the door knob and slowly twisted it to unlock the mechanism. The heart that was contained in me started to beat faster and my breath increased, the butterflies in my stomach started to come alight and I swear I saw a shadow standing outside my door even with the lack of light, the door to my room slowly creaked open increasing the unsettling feelings in my stomach once the door was completely open I flicked on the light for the hall only to see nothing.

I looked all up the hall, from start to finish and walked back to the entrance of my room. I turned back to the hall and flicked of the light only to see a shadow at the end on the hall, I quickly turned the light back on and the shadow of a girl was gone, shaken I flicked the light off again only to once again see the girl, I flicked the light on and she was missing. I repeated this method two more times and not once did I see he in the light. It was like she was a figurement of my imagination.

My heart still beating a million miles per hour, I started feeling an ice cold breeze attack me, not a forceful breeze but one to chill you to the bone. As my body shivered I turned the light once again off. The sight I saw was a terrifying one. The girl who once stood motionless down the hall stood right in front of me. A scream was released from its cages as it made its way out of my throat. Her pale face is all that I could see, hair as dark as a raven wood, and red rose coloured lips. Only then did I notice that everything is in colour. The retched scent that wafted off her almost made me gag, her pitch black eyes pierced through your soul like she knew all your fears and she knew just how to use them against you. The rags she wore looked of the Victorian era, torn and ripped that was not the worst of it the worst of it was the blood. The blood dripped off her like she just recently devoured one of her many enemies. The dripping blood sent a metallic scent throughout the room cutting through the wretched stench of her body.

The girl bared her sharp teeth at me and that is when I let out a whimper, afraid of what she was going to do to me. I looked at her and she finally stopped baring her teeth, I looked at her with fear in my eyes and a trembling body. The being with the dark aura around her brought her sharply filed nails to my cheek and dragged them gently down my face to the edge of my neck and to the base of my throat. The ice cold breeze went straight through me as her skin came in contact with mine causing me to grimace. With slow movements she dipped her fingers into the pocket of her Victorian rags and produced fingers covered in blood. My erratic breathing increased, as her fingers drew delicately on my neck.

As she finished her drawing, my throat had almost closed up from the ice cold force and black spots swarming my vision, I couldn't move my body, frozen on the spot she came closer without touching me, her feet two centimetres from mine and our noses almost touching, she searched my face with her piercing eyes and lowered her head to my neck. As her head got lower and lower my breathing increased and just as her mouth was going to reach my skin she stopped and sniffed. As she sniffed she let out an almighty growl that shook the walls. Frightened I tried to move back but my feet would not obey my command.

Closing my eyes, fearing for my life, shaking my head in denial. She gripped my chin, her nails digging into my pale skin, my breath caught in my throat. My eyes open on their own accord and the tears well against my grey depths. The way she held my chin had me looking at the yellow stained roof, pushing me back wards toward the bed. My knees hit the bed and I fall back, her nails released from their grip. She looks down on me.

"No, No, No, No, No" I plead, panicking, thinking of the worst she would put me through.

She moves her hands to my ankles, lifts them from the floor and puts them on the bed while turning my body to lie flat on the lumpy mattress. The rank smell once again filled my nose as she lifted the blanket over my body.

"Wh wha what are you doing?" I stutter, as she moves to lay down next to me.

"Laying down" she says with a sinister smile. I dare not move with her pale body next to me. She turns her head, lifting the blanket over her shoulder and whispers in my ear.


Shaking, I nod and bring the blanket closer to me, turning to my side to face the wall, turning my back to her. Maybe turning my back on her wasn't the safest thing to do but I can't turn back now.

Her hand softly was placed on my shoulder and moved my hair behind me. Her face filled the space between my shoulder and face, once again sniffing my scent. Her arm came around me and gripped my side, flipping me over to face her. Her body moved forward, her head placed in my neck, her hands on my arms, legs entwined. Her skilful tongue licks the blood that dips down to the base of my throat that was patterned earlier that night. Panicking I try to move her but she wouldn't budge. She gets lower and lower to my chest following the trails of blood, my erratic breathing doesn't deter her. It felt like hours till she finished her exploration and cleaning process. She lifts her head from my chest, licks her lips and smiles. This smile wasn't kind, this smile was mischievous like the one of a child who has gotten the last chocolate. She pushes me so I'm on my back, I turn my head to watch her and once our eyes meet she growls and disappears.


Once she disappeared late last night I didn't get much more sleep. The early hours gave me time to process what the hell just happened but also the colours in the room for the first time. She had my curiosity and.... any noise that I heard had me holding my sheets tighter around me. Sitting here at the breakfast table with my other "sisters" after getting out of bed at five to start cooking breakfast for the girls and Sir has myself exhausted. Eating my bacon and toast, the salty taste of the bacon contrasting to the buttery flavour of the toast, I place a piece of it into my mouth and master clears his throat. All the girls instantly cease noise and my attention is instantly on him, I had learnt last time not to ignore him, we all have.

"Alice" askes Sir.

"Yes Sir?" I responded, as I lower my knife and form to my plate and swallow my food. I keep my eyes to my plate.

"I wish to see you after dinner in my room, am I understood?" Sir declared.

Shakily I reply, "Y-yes Sir."

And he continues to eat breakfast as if he never spoke. The girls looked at each other with fear and looked at me with sorrow. I continued to eat my breakfast and silence was the only noise present other than the scraping of knives and forks.

Once the girls finished their breakfast they washed their dishes and left to do their daily chores. I was the last to leave the table before master as usual.

"I expect you to be ready tonight Alice" he says, a smirk on his young face.

"As Your wish, Sir" I whispered, I stood from my seat, washed my dish and left the room.

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