The Hunt - Ch 3.

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The mob jeered and pumped their fists in the air as Laughing Jack kicked Eyeless Jack back onto the floor. Laughing Jack smirked arrogantly as he gained the upper hand. With one quick lurch he attacked EJ who was just starting to recover from the past blow. LJ kicked EJ repeatedly in the side, his pace quickening as the crowd shrieked in excitement. Suddenly, EJ managed to roll to the side and crawl a few feet away before staggering to his feet. He backed himself into a tree and held his side while whipping out a scalpel. LJ glowered menacingly and EJ snarled right back. With all the strength he could muster, EJ charged at LJ, screaming his head off, but but before he could reach his opponent, he was batted back into the tree.

The chilly crisp air was still fizzing as Slenderman straightened himself with his tentacles raised. Some of the crowd members pulled out their weapons, brandishing them. Slender didn't even pay attention. He knew that everyone was just reacting on impulse due to the large amount of bodily chemical they called Delirium that was coursing through their veins. Their mood swings were being caused by the drastic change in weather.

' It was only a matter of time before another fight broke out'

Were Slender's thoughts but he couldn't control himself any longer. These common fools were getting on his nerves.

With the swipe of a tentacle, Slender snatched Eyeless Jack up, coiling the tentacle tighter by the second. His prey writhed in pain and screeched for mercy.

' Oh what a beautiful sight to behold! Squashing such a fool brings me such relief.'

Claws ripped through the expensive fabric of Slender's tailored suit. Completely enraged he turned to find Laughing Jack staring him down furiously. Slender stopped his actions and dropped Eyeless Jack who coughed up black goo onto the ground.

" I will not apologize for what has been done. You incompetent followers have messed up once again! Put away your weapons immediately. I would advise that you not threaten me otherwise worse will be done to you then what has been done here!"

The rest of the crowd struggled to drop their weapons. When satisfied, Slender cleared his throat and rasped in his static filled tone, " Today, a very special anomaly was released on accident. By my fault and all of yours, we failed to contain it. It has escaped and the power it possesses is unknown. Beware! We have no clue as to what we are truly dealing with."

Murmurs rippled through the crowd but silenced quickly.

" I will need a few of you to join me on a search for this new member. All I can tell you is that the anomaly has experienced their first dose of the Delirium and your lives are at risk whether you choose to stay or join. It is up to you!"

Everyone looked around curiously, straining their necks to see if any of their peers were considering joining. One girl stepped up along with her friend, a few boys agreed upon joining, and last of all Laughing Jack sauntered in to mix with the newly formed group. Slender seemed pleased with how many had agreed then announced, " It's settled. We will begin the hunt at once!"

One of his tentacles was not missed as it sneaked back behind Slender's back and wrapped itself around Eyeless Jack's waist. It was more gentle this time and lifted the struggling EJ.


" You're coming anyways. This is what you get for not heeding my warning about fighting. You deliberately disobeyed! I won't have it. Is that clear?"

" Hey-WHAt!? Ugh...fine," Eyeless Jack glowered at the back of Slender's head, trying his best to use his imaginary powers to burn holes through Slender's skull. Slender ordered that the rest of the proxies and minor CP's return back to their abodes in the forest. The group soon after began their trip through the forest. It was foggy and the only sound was that of dead leaves being crushed underfoot. The two girls tried to make small talk but it was sort of awkward having all the others being able to hear their every word. The boys kept a keen eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

" How are we planning of finding this anomaly? They could have teleported to anywhere in the world!" one of the boys finally brought up.

" The anomaly originated from a town in Alaska. They had strong ties with the people there. I would assume that during such an emotional state they would head their searching for blood," Slender seemed to go into a deep state of thought and any conversations that had started ended immediately. None dared to bother the master. That is until Eyeless Jack did....

" Dashing through the woods, on a creepy slender guy, Oe'r the trees we go, screaming all the way!"

Laughing Jack groaned, almost swiping a claw down his face in embarrassment.

" Would you SHUT THE FUCK UP!" EJ screams, " I'm SINGING here!"

Laughing Jack, pissed, leaped at the hovering Eyeless Jack but Slender lifted him higher, out of LJ's reach.


" What did you eat? You're turning out pretty damn immature! Is there something in the water that I don't know about?" Slender muttered. The proxy boys and girls turned to look at their master in amusement as he commented on the two other CP's behavior. Although Slender tried to seem at ease he was growing more and more annoyed by the second. Eyeless Jack ignored Slender's comment completely and began to belt out at the top of his lungs, " OH! JINGLE BELLS, LJ SMELLS, AND JEFFERY LAID AN EGG!!


Were Slender's thoughts before Eyeless Jack froze completely then lifted up a hand, gesturing for Slender to stop.

" Hold up!" He slightly pushed up his mask, enough for his mouth and part of his nose to be visible. He took a long whiff of the air and a smile formed on his lips. His dagger like teeth being revealed, prepared for flesh ripping.

" I SMELL KIDNEYS!" he growled like a rabid animal.

' Bingo!'

Slender had expected that the anomaly would return to her home town in search of someone to kill. Probably drag the victim back into the forest and preform a large amounts of atrocities to it and since they were in the middle of an Alaskan forest where hardly anything ever happened, that was most likely the case.

EJ clawed out of Slender's steel tight grip like it was nothing. He got on all fours and crawled around, sniffing the ground and air here and there until he homed in on his target. With a howl, he bolted off in a random direction.

" Here we go!"

Slender said as he scooped up the rest of the girls and boys, letting LJ ride on his back. He sprinted after EJ to find him circling a bare tree that was carefully decorated in human parts that still dripped with blood or had the freshly broken bones poking out. At the top of the tree the head of a man stuck up with jaw unhinged and eyeballs gouged. EJ growled and something up in the tree screeched. They had overlooked a naked and bloody figure that was clinging to the trunk. Shards of what looked like glass, protruded from all over the flesh. It's eyes, a combination of black and red where the whites and irises should have been.

' That is one unhappy camper'

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