Letters i'll never send

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So this is just a way for me to get out all that I need to get out. In the comments feel free to do the same or just rant this is where I give you free range to yell and swear and say what needs to be said because I know there's a lot of people out there like me who don't get a chance to.

Dear mum,
     I'm tired of all this I'm tired of you always fighting with Aimee I'm tired of you always working or going out with your friends what about me don't you see that I'm breaking. You say I don't let you in but every time I try to show you the real me you tell me to stop trying to act like Aimee. I don't understand how I am, Aimee has piercings and I want them too but I'm completely different, I wear black but she wears florals and colours, I cut but she doesn't, I'm depressed but she has anxiety, I struggle to get out of bed and put on a smile everyday but she does it with ease, she has someone to talk to and lean on but I don't, where am I trying to be her when I'm showing you me. I'm trying to be her when I'm not don't you see, this is the real me.

              ~broken angel

Dear Aimee,
     You make everything more difficult for me, every time you and mum fight I'm  the one who has to listen to the two of you in turn rant about how annoying or wrong the other one is and it is mentally and physically exhausting. I love you though I may not show it much but I do live you I just wish you would make everyone's lives easier and including yours and dump your boyfriend before he drags you down with him.

                                     ~broken angel

Dear Yves,
       I don't even know why I'm writing to you but I need to say this, you've finally done it you've made every single one of your kids hate and want nothing to do with you, are you proud of yourself cause judging by the fact that you haven't even tried talking to any of us makes me think you are. I hate and despise you with a burning passion and I can't wait until mum finally gets full custody of me. Every time we got together I would have to listen to you bad mouth mum and everything she and I and Aimee stand for and because at the time I didn't want to loose you I agreed but now I realize how stupid that was because you are a lying cheating bastard and are no longer my father, as far as I'm concerned my father is dead and died the day you walked out of our door and started dating Marcie. This is my final goodbye and I don't ever want to see you again.
                          ~broken angel

Dear Marcie,
       I don't blame you for any of this your just a naive woman who fell for my fathers charms. I don't like you because Yves cheated on my mother with you but I don't despise you like I do him. I hope that you can help my father realize what he has done wrong and to stop and if not I hope you get out of his life before he can really hurt you.
                             ~broken angel

There you go that's my ranting for the chapter, I'll try and update with some more poems soon I've just been busy with school and dance.
     ~broken angel

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