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Nothing will ever be the same for me. After loosing my family the only thing I have left is a small apartment and Rose,  my only friend. My family which consisted of my older sister , mother and father where killed during an intense and crazy break in,at our house 2 years ago.My father had quite some large sum of money,enough to lead a very comfortable life.

On the 9th of Janruary,on my 16th birthday,I went to my friend's house Rose to celebrate the afternoon with her.When I arrived home I found my family lying lifless on the floor all three in big pool's of blood.I cried till I had no more tears left,but I knew that nothing would ever bring them back.

Later on I found out that,a gang of about three guys broke into our house for my father's money,without them knowing that my family was still there in the house,they ended up killing them with two shots each.

I don't know who this gang is but they are still running around somewhere in this town looking for someone else to be their victim.

I suddenly opened my now aching eyes and realised I'm still in math class and know one was here,everyone had already left.Must've fallen asleep.I grabbed my school bag and swung it over my shoulder walking out of the class with hands in my pockets.

"Hey Adele" A husky voice whispered in my ear as I was placing my books in the locker.I froze knowing who it was,not daring to turn around I took slow and calming breaths.

"H-Hey harry" I whispered nervously.Harry styles,the school's biggest bad boy also known as the ladies man. Everytime he speaks to me I freeze and for no apparent reason just his touch,words and breath on my skin give me goose bumps and somehow he kind of scares me with his look of killer type. I hate to admit it but he's very handsome but a total jerk! He thinks he can posses every girl but not me, I don't even know why from all people he decided to annoy me.It's like since I've been seventeen he's always staring at me and winking and shit.

Harry placed one hand above my head leaning on the locker while the other was placed firmly on my shoulder.

"Mm...what do you say If I take you out tonight?" He said brushing his lips along my earlobe,I gulped scared to say no and even more scared to say yes for God knows what trouble he'll drag me into.

"I'm b-busy" I said,turning around and meeting his beautiful green orbs.Harry tensed and dangerously slow he snaked his hand to my back pulling me as close as possible to him.I looked down the whole time scared of what could happen if I looked into his enchanting eyes.

"No you're not adele.I can read you easily" He whispered against my lips.

"I need to g " I struggled to get out of his grip,as always he's always the one dominant over you.

"Now now Don't fight me.we both know who will win here " he chuckled darkly.He was right it's no use fighting Harry.

"So is it a yes Adele? or do I have to seduce out of you " he said smiling sheepishly.I thought about it for a minute and decided that i'll go.

"Fine I'll come." I said looking down.Harry kissed my cheek smoothly and placed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

" Tonight I'll pick you up at 7:00 be ready. Don't make me wait!" He said his smile slightly turning into a frown.He walked off through the empty corridor till he was nowhere in sight.I don't like where this is going,a date with harry may be the most dangerous shit you can get in.

hI! do you like it? oh I hope you do!! I love writing this story some exciting stuff is about to happen! If you're wondering or saying that its going fast that's because harry has a connection with her, read the whole story and you'll understand.So please dont say that its going fast until you read it all.Love you guys x



PLSSS !! AND thank you <3>

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