Part 2 (Father Questions)

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Elinore sulked in her bed, and screamed through her pillow. She never had a conversation like that with her mother. She wanted to leave or cast away to other kingdoms.
Then there were knocks on her door.

"Elinore? I heard what happened," Adeline chuckled in between.
".. literally."

Elinore snorted in anger, but still manage to let her cousin come in.

"I could hear you scream from my room," Adel watched Eli ignore her and tried not to make another joke. "But I don't think your Mom meant all of those."

Elinore grinned sarcasticly,"Right, and I bet she didn't want me to be a princess too?"

Adel awkwardly laughed as she entered. She took the matress and laid it on the floor and threw some pillows on."You know, if it makes you better, my Mom told me a few things about your Dad."

"Wait! Even Aunt Anna knows my Dad?" Eli was shocked as she sat on the bedding. "I thought my parents had a secret love affair."

"Yes they did but,"


"Your dad courted my Mom first."

"Okay now, I understand why my Mom hates my Dad."

"What? No! Mom said your Dad loved your mother so much, both to be exact." Adel explained eating her chocolate sandwich.

"Oh, well what else did Auntie tell you about him?"

"Uhm, oh! Your Dad was a very good looking lad. He was smart! And he loves chocolates and sandwiches too." Adel said making gestures in her hand.

"That's it? What's his name? Where does he live?"

"I don't know his name, but I think he lives in the Southern Isles."

"Southern Isles? Wait do you know how he died?"

"How he died?! What?! Your dad's not dead!" Adel laughed from the statement "Wow! Your mom sure lies a lot."

"He's not dead." Elinore paused. This was a great chance to see her dad, someone who would understand her. "Wait! Is he a Prince or a villager?"

"I don't know but, my Mom said he wasn't worthy to be king, maybe because he wasn't royalty." Adel shrugged and continued eating her sandwich.

"Oh. It would be easy if he was royalty, I could just barge in the castle to find him."

"Enough chit chat, we need a rest" Adel said wrapping herself in blankets.

You need a rest, as for me, I'm going to have a father-daughter reunion. Eli thought to herself as she waited for everyone to fall asleep.


In the middle of the night, Elinore snuck out of her room and ran fast across the hallway, she went to the library and grabbed a few locating tools like maps and a compass. She went down a few stairs and she tip toed in her Moms room, she whispered by her bedside,

"I'll be back," she stared down at her Mom sleeping alone on her bed "I just need to bring our family back."

She kissed her mother's forehead and ran out side the castle, and came across the castle stable, she woke her horse and ran to the wharfs. From there, there were selections of boats she can ride on, but no time for thoughts, she climbed up one of them along with Passion and she settled her things on a table inside a room.

She settled her horse below deck "We're going to a little trip bud."

Then she ran up and started leaving Arendelle's borders." So long Arendelle!"

It was kind of exquisite for a 12 year old Princess driving a ship across the Nørdseon Sea, she learned to drive them since she was nine.

But for now she had to know where she was going, she checked the map that was rolled in her pocket and she sets up her compass.

"I'll be there dad" she said to herself as she gripped the handles and turned the ship to the direction.


Meanwhile, back at Arendelle...

The Queen, woke up so early, just as always. She needed to be to teach her daughter once again for another day full of long lessons of being a princess. She stood up from her bed and fixed herself and soon walked to her daughter's room.

She opened the door slightly, revealing a whole bunch of pillows all over the floor, "She slept on the floor again." the Queen thought to herself as she walked over a body covered with blankets thinking it was her daughter.

"Honey, I'm sorry about last night, I thought things through and I thought that--" she paused when the figure moved it revealed Adeline her niece.

"Adeline?" The Queen started looking around to see if her daughter was there. "Adel, have you seen Elinore?"

"I thought she was sleeping just right beside me." Adel answered weakly.

"Oh no.."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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