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Nobody said a word, admiring the structure without another sound.

Arcaesium. The world's strongest, indestructible metal. The parts of the passage rang through my head.

An ancient power awoke within the man.

That ancient power being the Arcaesium.

One demands the rest to do its bidding.

By possessing a shard of Arcaesium, the user can control the rest to do his bidding.

That was how Sir Leonidas ended the realm of evil. Everything finally made sense.

"This... is what I inherited?" breathed Lucas in disbelief. His sights lowered to the penknife in his right hand and raising it up, he seemed to be concentrating. Suddenly, the sides of the path in front of him pulled itself upwards, shifting its shape like clay into crystal roses, lining the path beautifully. My jaw dropped seeing the immediate change, cracking yet another mystery regarding the Valerio legacy.

That penknife itself actually had a shard of Arcaesium in it.

"Grandfather... entrusted this to me because he did not want it to fall into the wrong hands," said Lucas softly, "With just the Arcaesium, a massive destruction can occur. If this gets into Dystopia's hands then-"

"The world will end," I finished it off for Lucas, feeling the gravity of the situation. All those riddles, attacks and mysteries... it was all because of this. It was the Arcaesium Dystopia was so determined to get. Dystopia went after Tomonaga for the penknife and found it missing. He assumed I had it instead after finding out who put his apprentice in jail, then went after Lucas once he found out who L.L.V was. He needed me alive because he still didn't know who was L.L.V at that time and thought I knew.

All that trouble for a penknife just showed how desperate Dystopia was for the treasure, and how he would never give up trying to get the knife.

"We have to leave immediately," said Lucas suddenly, "The sooner we leave the better. I'll leave the penknife here and have my men to seal the entrance. Nobody else has to know the existence of Arcaedia, it is for the best."

I agreed with Lucas. If the world was to know about the existence of the Arcaesium, conflict was sure to occur and in this competitive world, even more chaos would occur. Everybody agreed as well, aware of the consequences as well. Lucas slowly knelt down to place the penknife on the floor when something made him stop cold.


Suddenly Lucas leaped back and pocketed the penknife, his blue eyes glaring at a figure standing atop a church's bell tower.

The figure with the grey wolf mask.

"Dystopia!" growled the rest of them at his presence.

"We meet again Valerio. Too bad I wasn't the first one here." He leaped off the tower, onto a roof and onto the road of roses in front of us. Those strange yellow eyes of the mask seemed to reflect the greed within him.

That is, the greed to have it all.

"So you've found out about the Arcaesium, that makes things a lot easier," Dystopia snapped his fingers, revealing his own men stepping out of the shadows. Strangely, all of them were wearing suits and dry. Anyone passing through the underwater tunnel should have gotten wet. Seeing everyone's confused expression, Dystopia laughed.

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