Chapter 12

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Quinn POV

Blinking, I let out a loud yawn as I stretch and sit up. A blanket has been wrapped around me at some point during the night. I look around and find Gabe smiling at me, more colour in his face. Luka is also awake and they were obviously talking softly before I woke up. Carver is sat by the wall near the archway, as if guarding the entrance. Jonah is in the other arm chair and the guy I don't know is sleeping on the floor. I frown, looking for Axel and then feel something warm pressed against my leg that was hanging off the chair. Axel is leant with his back against my chair, his arms crossed over his chest and his chest rises and falls slowly. I can't help but smile slightly at his close position to me.

'How you feeling?' I ask Gabe softly, careful not to move or speak to loudly.

'I'm better, thanks for stitching me up.' I smile at him and then frown.

'You didn't go to sleep at any point right?' He looks slightly put out as he frowns, grumpily.

'No, and I'm already tired, how am I supposed to face a school day.'

'So someone stayed up with you all night?' I ask and he nods.

'Yeah, they took turns.'

'Why did no one wake me up?' Gabe glances at Axel before shrugging but then a voice speaks that is not Gabe's.

'Cos I didn't need to wake you babe, we could cover the shifts and you had already stitched him up. You were tired and I didn't feel it necessary to wake you.' Axel's gruff voice speaks at a normal volume.

'Surely the others would have wanted someone else to take a shift.'

'We didn't mind.' Carver says from his now sitting position against the wall.

'Yeah, and even if we did, Axel didn't really give us a choice. He was like a damn guard dog, we couldn't get close enough to wake you.' Jonah jokingly, I think jokingly, says from the other armchair.

'Watch it Jonah, and even if I wasn't here, you wouldn't have woken her up, would you?' His voice is low and filled with warning.

'Sorry boss, and no boss, we'd have let her sleep.' Jonah replies immediately and I shoot him an apologetic look before nudging Axel with my foot.

'Be nice. Smile.' He mutters something under his breath before looking over his shoulder at me. I raise an eyebrow and he rolls his eyes before shooting me a fake smile.

'Better? Miss too damn happy at 7 am.'

'Ecstatic.' I say with a real smile and he shakes his head, the corner of his mouth twitching before his eyes lighten and he shoots me a real smile, one of the very few he actually does and it causes my breath to catch. He just looks so.... urgh... so damn hot. Someone clears their throat and I blink, finally looking away.

'Right, who wants breakfast?' I say awkwardly, standing up quickly. I think I hear a chuckle but I ignore it. We have 40 minutes before school starts s I have enough time to make pancakes. One by one the boys come in and sit at the island, chatting while I cook. Finally done, I set the pancakes and coffee down in the middle of the island.

'Tuck in.' I say when all the boys look at me expectedly and they all do as i say, piling food onto their plate. Thank god I made loads, presuming they would eat a lot. There are no more chairs and I lean against the counter when a hand tugs on my hip. I lose my balance and fall onto Axel's lap as he smirks.


'I'm okay.' I say awkwardly, trying to wiggle away but his hand around my hips tightens as he leans in.

'Stop squirming babe, unless you want something to happen in front of everyone.' I go still in his lap and sure enough, i can feel a slight bulge in his pants. Well that's awkward. I look up and everyone is pointedly staring at their plates. I pull my plate towards me and start eating, relaxing slowly in Axel's lap.

'Well, that was sufficiently awkward.' Jonah mutters under his breath.

'Jonah.' Axel snaps, his voice dark and Jonah looks up.

'Sorry boss.' Axel says nothing and I lean back against him, reassuring him its fine and his hand tightens before he resumes eating.

'Wait a moment, why don't you go to school Jonah?' He chuckles and swallows some coffee before talking.

'I'm 20.' I blush slightly but then frown.

'But Axel is still your boss?'

'Age doesn't matter in a gang babe.' Axel explains and I look over my shoulder at him.

'So how did you become in charge?' His eyes narrow slightly and I wait patiently for him to speak.

'Different ways you can become boss. Either you are appointed when the previous leader dies, it runs in the family and your dad or uncle hands it down to you, or...' He trails off and I turn slightly in his lap, finding he is actually comfortable.

'Or you kill the previous gang leader.' Carver speaks and Axel glares at him.

'What? She was going to find out eventually.'

'How did you get in?' Axel goes stiff and avoids eye contact.

'I killed the previous boss. He was an asshole, drug smuggling, using kids for drug dealing, prostitution. He deserved it.' He doesn't look at me and his hand on my hip has released. I know he thinks I'm going to run away and maybe it makes me a bad person, but I don't care. I mean, its weird to know he has killed someone but Axel wouldn't lie and if he deserved it then I believe that and I trust that Axel would never hurt anyone innocent.

'I don't doubt he did.' I say softly in response to what Axel said. Axel blinks, actually looking faintly surprised before he nods slowly and drinks some coffee.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Awhhhhh, Axel let her sleep (sensible boy, no one wakes up a sleeping teenage girl unless they have a death wish). Is that cute or what? No? Yes? Okay..... 

Let me know what you think by voting or commenting. I will post another few chapters later if that's okay (you don't really have a choice so deal with it.)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, love ya'll and thanks for reading. xxxxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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