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The next day Jewel ask her about her past relationship, particularly her current ex-girlfriend. She ask why did they broke up? If you don't mind me asking, she said. Blue said to her simply "I'm not good enough for her"...Then Jewel is not satisfied so she ask again, What do you mean by that?. He respond because she is not satisfied with me and I can't give her what she needs. They Jewel can't help it but to get curious about it...What did she do and what is the thing you can't give? She also add up is there a thing in this world you can't give her?
Blue said I'm not like other guys I'm weird and boring, I don't enjoy much going out. Also the thing that I can't give her? Is making love with her without marriage. Jewel couldn't believe what Blue said. She even told him all men now a days are doing that its hard to believe. But Blue respond to her I still want to have a blessing in church before doing that thing. So its Blue turns to ask Jewel, He ask her to tell him about her previous experience in a relationship and her current if there is one...
But Jewel told Blue I haven't been into a relationship all my life because I don't wanna be hurt. So Blue ask Jewel if he can court her?. But Jewel ask her why me? You can court anyone, I'm not even beautiful. But Blue said to her you don't have to be beautiful for me to court you...So can I court you Jewel, Blue ask her again.
Jewel said this is informal and how can she believe a guy she even haven't met. But Blue said to her it will not be long for you to met me soon. But Jewel said to him lets see and I have suitors before but they give up because they can't wait for me. And Blue respond to her I am not like them I will prove that to you just trust me. Jewel said then ok but I still can't trust you yet. Then Blue suddenly reply ok then I will work to earn your trust and change your point of view.

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