Chapter 5

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~ Tate POV ~
I watch how Alyssa walks over to the window of her room. God, she's so beautiful. And I'm scared. For the first time in ages, I'm scared. I've fallen so hard for this girl. I know she is going to find out the truth sooner or later. I hope I can convince her that she's changing me. I can't risk losing her. Today is different. She had her first day of school. She said it was okay, but I can see by the look in her eyes it wasn't. I watch her crawling outside the window to go sit on the roof. I follow her. She puts a cigarette in between her perfect shaped lips. I would do anything to kiss those lips. I light the cigarette for her, looking her right in the eyes as she does. 'Ally,..' I mumble. She turns ber head to look at me. 'Yeah?'
'Can you promise me something?' I ask her. She nods.
'Promise me we'll always be friends, no matter what.'
Her eyes fill themselves with confusion and it takes a few seconds before she answers: 'I promise.' She puts out the cigarette and lays her head on my shoulder. 'Thank God I have you.'
I smile at myself. She cares. I mean something to her. We stay in her room all evening, playing videogames on her computer and we end up watching a movie. I honestly have no idea what the movie is about. I've only been paying attention to Alyssa. How her head rests on my shoulder, how her chest rises as she slowly breathes in and out. When I look at her once more, I see she's fallen asleep on my shoulder. I put down the laptop on the floor and lay her down gently. Her face dissapears in the pillow as I put the blanket over her and gently kiss her forehead. I turn off the lights and close the door, deciding to go to the basement. Violet is sitting in my rocking chair.
'What did I miss?' I ask.
She looks up at me with a worried look on her face. 'We think we found out how to get out of here.'
'What?' I say, lightning up. 'That's great. How?'
Violet presses her lips to a small stripe. 'Tate,...'
We get interrupted by Hayden. 'Violet sweetheart, don't sugarcoat it.' Then she turns to me. 'Alyssa has to die. Only by dying in this house she can release us.'
Die? No! No! No! No! 'What?' I say.
'Subtle, Hayden.' Violet grinds at her. Hayden doesn't pays any attention to her, she looks me right in the eyes. 'Tate, she trusts you blindfolded. She doesn't has to suffer, if you don't want to let her.'
Shaking anger fills my body. 'First you're asking me to rape her, now you're asking me to KILL her?!' I grind my teeth as I raise my voice.
'It's the only way.' Hayden shrugs.
'You're mental!' I shout. 'Let me clear things up for you before turning you into meatloaf: I will NEVER hurt Ally! So you can better shuff that babydream and the ridiculous saviour plan right up your ass, bitch!'
I rush myself upstairs before actually harming anyone. This place is madness. I have to protect Alyssa.

~Alyssa POV ~
A few days has passed and I am thankful for the only friend I have made in this hell people call school. 'Kaitlyn, I need some advice.' I confess.
'Hit me.' She says.
'There's this guy I like, his name's Tate, and...' I get interrupted when her facial expression turns into stone.
'What's his surname?' She asks with a shaky voice.
'Langdon. Why? What's wrong? Kaitlyn, are you alright?' I ask worried.
'Are you? Have you been taking medicins? Or drugs? You can tell me, Alyssa. I won't tell anyone. Do you hallucinate?' She asks.
'No. Why? What's wrong?'
Kaitlyn pops up her phone and sfou me a picture of Tate. How does she knows him? 'Alyssa, is this the guy you're talking about?'
'Yes. That's Tate. How do you know him?' I ask her.
'I don't.' She says. 'And neither do you.'
'What do you mean?' I ask confused.
'Have you never heard of the Westfield High massacre?' She asks me.
'No, but what does that has to do with Tate?'
'In 1994 Tate Langdon shot 15 kids in this school. Not long after the police found him, but he threadened them. So the S.W.A.T. team had to shoot him dead in self defense.'
'What are you implying, Kaitlyn?' I ask
'Tate Langdon is dead, Alyssa. For over ten years.' She gives me her phone and I read the article. Over and over and over again. No this isn't real. This is a joke. It has to be. My stomach turns by reading several articles. I return her phone. 'Tell Mr. Roland I'm sick.' I tell Kaitlyn as I run home. I go straight to my room,take my laptop in my lap and google Tate. Only to find the exact same facts I read on Kaitlyn's phone. This can't be. I'm losing my mind.
'You're home early.' A way too familiar voice says. I look up to see Tate standing at the edge of my bed.
'You're not real.' I whisper.

~ Tate POV ~
'You're not real.' She repeats. What is she talking about?
'Ally, are you okay?' I ask worried.
'You're not really here! You are dead!' She shouts at me. Oh no, God don't let this be true. Fuck. 'Ally,...'
She takes a step back. 'What's going on Tate?' She asks with a trembling voice.
I need to tell her. Now. 'You might need to sit down.'

It took me an hour and a half to explain her everything. About the killing, the drugs, how the house drove me to it. It took her a while to take everything in. But eventually she gave me a small hug, telling me she needed a minute fir herself and asked me if I could come back tomorrow. At least she didn't told me to go away. That was what I was afraid of. I go to the basement, where I find Violet and Hayden.
'What's up with that face?' Hayden says.
'I told her.' I only look at Violet as I speak.'Everything.'
'Just out of a sudden?' Vi asks.
'That's smooth.' Hayden mocks.
'No,' I say, 'She found out. I went to her room and she started freaking out telling me I'm not real. I had no choice.'
'You did had a choice.' Hayden hisses. 'You could've told her it WAS all in her head!'
Iopen my mouth But Vi interrrupts us. 'Hayden! We can trust this girl! I can feel that!' She glances over at me. 'She's close to Tate, she would never tell anyone. He deserves this. Don't ruin it for him.'
O....kay...? This is getting awkward. My ex-girlfriend telling me I deserve a new girlfriend,...? I go back to Ally's room. She's asleep. She looks so peaceful, calm. Alive. I sit down on the edge of her bed. God, I would die for this girl, I'd die to be hers. Huh, the irony in those words. I haven't slept in days and I'm exhausted. But I feel like whenever I would sleep they would harm her. So I stay awake to protect her.

~Alyssa POV ~
I tap out my cigarette as I walk through the doors of school, normally Kaitlyn texts me when she gets here, but class starts in five minutes and I haven't had a text yet. But then I see her standinvpg ather locker. 'Hey,' I say. She looks at me the same way Phil looks at me all the time. 'Get away from me, you freak.' She spats.
'Kaitlyn, did I do something wrong?' I ask her.
'I can't be friends with a depressed freak who thinks she has a crush on psychopathic serial killer who died ten years ago. And if you think this is bad, it isn't. I told everyone. They hate you. Prepare for the worst time of your life.'
'Why would you do this to me?' I ask her? She shrugs and walks away. She was right. Everywhere I look people are pointing fingers at me and laughing. And Kaitlyn ends my day with a few friends of her beating me up.

I'm smoking a cigarette outside my window while waiting for Tate. My lip is swollen and it took ages until my nose stopped bleeding. Let's just not talk about the black eye those girls gave me. 'Hey.' I hear Tate's voice say behind me.
'Hey.' I turn around and his smile immediatly dissapears when he sees me. 'Who did this to you?'
'A girl who claimed to be my friend.'
'This Kaitlyn girl? I thiught she was nice.'
'I thought so too.' I say as tears run down my face. He looks me right in the eye as he cups his soft, cold hands around my face. 'No, Ally, don't cry. She is not worth your tears, no one is.'
'I don't think I can keep doing this Tate.' I sob. He wraps his arms around me. 'I know you can. You're a strong girl. Stay strong. For me.'

~Tate POV ~
Two weeks have passed and every night I go to Alyssa's room, to find beated up, crying and cutting. I can't stand seeing her like this. She told me all I need to know about Kaitlyn Brown. I'm in the basement. Anger is racing through my body of what those girls do to her. She doesn't deserve this. I have the axe in my hand. I am going to make this girl stop hurting my girl. I'm sitting in my rocking chair when Kaitlyn walks in. 'That's not possible.' She whispers.
'Well, now you see that it is. And you made Ally's life a hell. And now you're gonna pay for this.' I snarl as I stand up.
'Please.' She begs.
'Shut up.' I say as I swing the axe.

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