Chapter 3

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I don't own Teen Wolf or anything about it but I do own the Edmund family and this is the last disclaimer I am going to do because I'm already fed up of writing them.

"Stiles what's happening?" Alessa asks Stiles as him, the blonde and the teen wolf all run across the field to escape the lacrosse practice.

The team were playing a friendly game of lacrosse when Scott, ever so nicely, dump tackled Jackson. Thus causing the douche bag of a captain to get injured and was taken to A&E or something. Alessa, quite frankly, didn't give a flying fuck.

Scott started to transform in front of the team and the lacrosse spectators so his two friends took him off the pitch before he hurt someone or himself.

"He's starting to shift." He tells the blonde as they pull him into the boy's locker room.

The locker room still reeks of sweat. Do they ever clean the place? Every time she finds herself in or near it it's always 100 times worse a stench than the time before. That applies to every school she's been to not just Beacon Hills.

"Scott just breath." She commands him, unaware of how little he actually knew about maintaining control when shifting.

Breathing correctly was the least of Scott's concerns. At the very top of his list of worries was trying not to kill his two friends and one he may like a bit more.

"Scott are you okay?" A worried Stiles asks his best friend who is currently hyperventilating like crazy.

Stiles really doesn't know much about his were-wolf best friend who is minutes away from tearing him to shreds. Approaching a were wolf that doesn't understand how to stop himself or has yet to find an anchor is just dangerous. Alessa didn't know of this fact just yet.

"Get away from me!" Scott screams looking up at the pair with blinding yellow eyes, sharp ass fangs and a deformed were wolf-like face. He had hair growing down his cheeks like sideburns and his ears started to point at the tips.

He must be newly transformed if he can't control it yet.

At least his eyes are gold and not a terrifying, yet beautiful icy blue shade.

Alessa is pretty confident in herself so may be able to fight him off for a while. Stiles is probably going to run into a locker or something stupid like that. Either that or he'll annoy her so much that she'll kill him before Stiles does. Most likely Stiles won't come out of this situation alive.

While Alessa was thinking pessimistically yet confidently Stiles was completely panicking. He is going to die in a locker room that reeks of sweat, killed by either of his best friends.

Both Stiles and Alessa stumbled backwards away from Scott, trying to escape the now transformed were wolf who was chasing them around the tiny locker room.

It was as if he is the cat and the two are like fish cornered in a tiny little bowl with him clawing at them from above and hunting them down.

At that moment in time, not a tiny bit of humanity was left in him. His animal side had taken over and his instinct was to kill. Nothing was going to stop him from hunting down and killing his prey. His weak, vulnerable, trivial prey. They were simply just food to him. He needed to kill. He needed to hunt. The petty little play things were right there in front of him, so easy to catch, so meagre, so exceptionally pathetic.

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