Chapter 1

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The sound of running water was the first thing to reach your ears, causing you to groan and roll over in bed. Squeezing your eyes shut, you tried desperately to go back to sleep, but it was futile.

Giving up on sleeping any more, you rolled back over, and opened your eyes, staring up at the ceiling as you tried to wake up. As your eyes started to focus, you began to notice little things. For instance, the ceiling was too clean, no small spots showing the wear and tear of a cheap hotel. It wasn't a popcorn ceiling anymore, instead it was a smooth creamy expanse of white. Confused, you sat up, only to notice you were no longer in the dreary old hotel room you and Dean had been sharing on your latest hunting trip.

You glanced around, taking in the calming blue painted on the walls, the antique dresser across from the bed, the top covered with picture frames and a jewelry box. Landscape pictures were framed on the wall, along with another picture you couldn't quite make out from your bed. The rushing water sound was coming from behind the door on your right, and you quickly figured out that was the bathroom.

Reaching your hand under your pillow for the comforting feel of your gun, you were dissapointed when your hand came up empty. Pushing the covers off, you were shocked to find yourself in a silky (f/c) nightgown, something you would normally never wear.

Distress was making your palms sweaty, and your heart beat speed up. However, you made your way over to the pictures, hoping to gather clues on what was going on, before whoever was in the shower, finished. The first picture on the dresser was of you. In it you were extremely happy, smiling at whoever took the photograph as you held up a diploma while wearing a navy blue cap and gown. Frowning in confusion, you turned to the next picture, this one bringing tears to your eyes.

It was a picture of you and Sam, neither of you looking into the camera, you were both staring into each others eyes. Sam had his hands wrapped through your hair, and your head was tilted towards his, your lips open in anticipation of a kiss. Wiping away the loose tear, you placed the frame back down, before glancing at the one hanging above.

What you saw caused you to gasp, your hand flying up to your mouth as tears fell freely. It was a gorgeous picture, taken outside, surrounded by colorful trees in the midst of fall. What almost brought you to your knees, was the two people captured in the middle of the picture. Sam was wearing a tux, his smile wide and exuberant as he gazed down at the person wrapped in his arms, you. You were wearing a lace covered white wedding dress, with small capped sleeves, a tight boddess, that slightly flared around your hips. If you had dreamed of a wedding dress, it would have been that one.

In the picture, your eyes were closed, a laugh frozen on your lips, your cheeks flushed with happiness. Your (h/c) hair was arranged in an updo, with simple strands floating around your face. Everything in that picture was perfect, exactly how you might have imagined your wedding might have happened.

So intent on studying the picture, you hadn't realized the water had long stopped running, instead you jumped when the bathroom door squeaked open. You watched as Sam walked out of the bathroom, with a simple cream colored towel wrapped around his waist.

"I tried to be quiet, I'm sorry if I woke you." A voice you had thought you would have never heard again spoke.

Between the pictures, and the real life figure of Sam in front of you, you were too full of emotions to speak, instead you stood there with tears silently streaming down your face. Your knees started to buckle, and you fell helplessly to the floor, but before you could hit the ground, a pair of strong arms caught you and held you to a wide chest.

"Y/N? What's the matter?" Sam asked you, holding you tight to him.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled against his chest. "But how are you here?" You asked, confused and hurt that someone could be playing such a mean trick on you. Whoever was doing it, had done a great job, Sam felt so warm, so solid and real under your fingertips, that you could almost for a moment imagine it was real.

He pulled you away from him, looking down at you, concern turning his hazel eyes dark. "Of course I'm here. I don't leave for work for another hour."

You pushed yourself away from his embrace, hoping the separation would help you calm down and figure things out. "No, how are you here? I watched you die." You explained.

Sam ran his fingers through his long locks in confusion, before sitting down next to you. "Wow, that must have been some horrible nightmare you had. Don't worry, it was just a nightmare though, I'm right here, I will always be here." He comforted you.

You sat there, trying to take it all in. You knew you had seen Sam die, a month ago in fact, at the spell of a witch. Everything you were seeing was different than anything you remembered. You hadn't graduated from high school, let alone college, and yes you and Sam were dating, but neither of you had mentioned marriage. Then he had died, and Dean had finally talked you into going on a hunt after moping about the bunker for a month.

"Wait, why aren't we in the bunker?" You asked Sam, who had started moving around the bedroom, pulling clothes out of drawers. Once you asked that question, he stopped and faced you, his eyebrow raised in question.

"What bunker? Seriously honey, are you feeling okay? Maybe you're coming down with something. " He said, placing the back of his hand on your forehead, checking to see if you were running a fever.

Swatting his hand away, you tried again. "The bunker, where we've been living with Dean when we aren't hunting."

Sam was starting to get frustrated, you could tell from the way he ran his hands through his hair, to the way his teeth tugged on his lower lip. "I really don't know what you're talking about. We've never lived with Dean, and honey, you a hunter? You cry watching Bambi. Why don't you climb back into bed, get some more sleep, and we can talk more about this after I get off of work."

You agreed, partly to placate Sam, but also because you were feeling very confused, and maybe this was all a weird dream, and you would wake back up in the bunker.

Sliding under the sheets, you watched Sam, with a mixture of grief and longing tugging at your heart. Even if this was just a dream, it was wonderful to see, hear and feel Sam, at least one more time.

Slowly your eyes drifted shut, but you were still awake enough to feel the brush of Sam's lips against your forehead as he kissed you.

"I love you." He whispered, before you fell asleep.

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