2- im going insane

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The car journey was kind of quiet but I didnt mind. "So then, what stuff do you two like to do?" Liz looked at us through the top mirror of the car. I looked at fletcher "I like sport, I run, play football, basketball and tennis and cali plays tennis with me sometimes but shes mostly 'busy' playing or listening to music" he did quotation marks with his fingers when he said busy "its a good job we've got a big garden then, hey. What do you play cali?" I looked up from the book I was reading "guitar mainly, but I can play the bass and piano too." I smile and closed my book. "Our youngest son is in a band, you two are bound to get along." Andy stated, I had forgot he was there "will I know them?" Cool I might have a famous brother "probably not, they're only young, luke is your age, our other sons jack and ben will be here today ben goes to university and jack shares an apartment with friends." I nodded. Forget about the famous brother thing. "Cali, you'll be the only girl, apart from you liz." Fletcher said with a smile in his face. The car slowed down. We're here.


Hi guys, I hope you like it so far. Sooo cali and Fletcher got fostered by luke hemmings family. Let me know what you think so far

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