Have you ever thought about kindness? Just one word can make someone's entire day! Even just a wave or a smile can work! No act of kindness is EVER wasted! So many people need kindness in their lifes.
Be one of those people who are nice, kind, and up-lifting. If there was no kind people in this whole what would you do? Take a bigger step and help someone put groceries in the car, open a door for someone, or even give them a hug if they look down! You dont know how many people are going through battles that's why you should ALWAYS be kind! I Don't like bullies or mean people especially popular kids! Even though I wish I was a popular kid(Sadly). Some people dont think before they say. Actions are bigger than words(remember that). Its not funny being mean and rude! Don't you think? Kindness is a big thing for me! Please comment and vote! Updating soon! More to come! Thank you