Today's The Day

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I took a deep breath. 'Todays the day.' I repeated in my head. Shes going to bust me out. I sighed as the Guard came to my cell.

"You're lucky, Gold..You're bailed out." He hissed releasing me out of my jacket and pushed me.

"Easy!" I growled at him then immediately stopped seeing Belle. I went by her side as the Guard snickered.

"Keep that pet in sight, Belle..he needs it."

"You know I will." She rolled her eyes and walked out with me. I stayed by herside not being in the streets of Storybrooke in so many years.

"Belle? Why did you want to do this?" She looked up at me as we walked to Granny's Diner.

"Because I don't see the Beast people say you are. I see a nice and loving man. Now come on, lets get some meat on you." She smiled as we walked into the Diner and into a Booth.

"Order what you want, Rumple. Granny says its on the house." She smiled as I looked at her confused.

"Means its free, basically." She giggled softly as I nod and Granny walked over. "Tell her what you want." I looked up at her and ordered six burgers, large fries and three cokes.

She wrote it all down and moments later she came with the food and I ate it all down before Belle could even say anyther word and shook her head playfully.

"My little piggy.."

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