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"Oh c'mon Stiles you guys gotta come to the beach party with us" "I don't know Kira I promised Lyds I'll take her on a date tomorrow", "Stiles it's Lydia, she'll want to come to a college party, trust me" Scott added, "well I'll ask her, I gotta go to class anyway" Stiles said as he started walking towards his class. Well I guess in menage for you to understand I need to tell you the whole story: Beacon Hills is quite a strange town, Werewolves like Scott, Banshees like Lydia, kitsunes like Kira are actually normal in BH, humans like Stiles are the rare once.
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"Hey Lyds" Stiles said as he reached Lydias locker. "Hey babe, what's up?"
"Umm Scott and Kira are going to this beach party tomorrow and they invited us but w-" "we'll be there" Lydia got into his things. "Are you sure, I mean it's our date and I'm not really in the mood for-" "Stiles it's a college party, we're going". Stiles and Lydia were a couple for two years now, she always told him what to do and normally he was just do as she said but something changed, this time it's got him angry, really angry. "Lydia I'm not going!" He said angrily. "Fine, I'll go without you" she said frowning "fine" he said and walked away.
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"I'm coming" Stiles said as he heard the knock on his bedroom door. "Hey" it was Lydia, "I came to apologize about today, we don't have to go to the party if you don't wanna go" she said "no its ok I just overreacted, we can go" Stiles said hugging her.
"Great" she said breaking the hug, "do you want to stay the night?" He asked.
"Nope gotta go" she said quick and left. "I'm really starting to question this relationship", he said realizing that Lydia got exactly what she wanted, again.
It was a long day so he decided to go to sleep quite early.
I hope you like it, Malia is gonna get in soon I promise. ❤

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