i'm sorry

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Jimin and V had always been terrible good friends, sometimes even more than friends but that all changed when YoonGi came. V had no solid reason to hate him. He had done nothing wrong. It was just that he started hanging out with Jimin alot and that bothered him. He wanted Jimin to himself.


''Hey Jimin!'' V called out the olders name happy as ever.

''Someone is in a good mood today.'' Jimin laughed as he stopped walking to wait for his friend.

''Ha ha. Yea i guess i am.'' He spoke. He was to be honest, he was happy it was just Jimin and himself for once. Normally YoonGi would tagg along. If YoonGi would tagg along Jimin would only focus on him.

''What are you doing after school? Maybe we can go get ice cream or something like that?'' V asked after a few minutes of silence.

''Oh i'm sorr Tae,'' V's smile faded as he knew what was comming.

''I already made plans with YoonGi.'' Jimin said as a smile appeard on his face.

''We're going to go ice skating, he has never done it before s--'' Jimin spoke but V cut him off.

''Oh sounds like fun, well i just remembered myself i forgot something at home. See you around Jimin.'' V said and started walking the oposite direction.

''Hmh that what wierd..'' Jimin mumbled to himself as he watched the younger walk away.


V quickly walked inside the school, hoping he wouldn't bumb into YoonGi or Jimin at the moment. He walked to his locker and put his books in it when it suddenly got shut. Just in time, he could pull his hands back.

''Hey Beautiful.'' A voice V knew as Hoseok spoke. V rolled his eyes and looked at his hyung.

''What do you want?'' V asked, quite pissed off cause of what happened earlyer with Jimin.

''Nothing, just wanted to chat with you. Aish you get more beautiful every day.'' He said and ran his finger over V's cheek. V was used to be treated like this.

''Thanks.'' He simply said and swung his backpack over his shoulder.

''Ah why so boring?'' Hoseok asked as he wrapped his arm around the younger's shoulder. V sighed and puched him away.

''Just leave me alone Hoseok..'' V said, quite pissed of by now.

''It's hyung for you pretty boy.'' Hoseok said and grabbed V's wrists. He slammed him against the lockers and grinned. He put V's hands above his head so he couldn't move, it also lifted his shirt up a bit what was a bonus for Hoseok.

''L-let go!'' V stuttered, unsure of what to do. A dirty smirk appeard on the older his face as he leaned closer.

V balled his hands into fists and squeezed his eyes. He turned his head away and prayed for someone to come help him.

He felt Hoseok's lips toutch his neck. He bit his lower lip so hard he could taste blood.

''What the hell do you think you are doing?!" A voice called out.

''Jimin..?'' V wispered softly to himself. Hoseok didn't seem to hear him.

Hoseok let go of V who fell down on his knees. His eyes started to tear up.

''Stay away from Taehyung-hyung.'' The voice called out. V's eyes widened a little as he figured out who it was. A sad smile appeard on his face.

''Tsk..'' Hoseok hissed when also a teacher came out. He walked away and left V alone on the ground.

''Taehyung-hyung are you okey?'' The voice asked as he kneeled down infront of V. V looked up and nodded.

''Yes.. thank you Jungkook..'' He said and smiled, but Jungkook didn't easily let it slide.

''Hyung we should take you to the the nurse.'' Jungkook said as he helped V up. V remained silent, he just nodded.

''Thanks Kookie..'' V said as he smiled at the younger. Jungkook smiled back as he felt butterfly's in his stomich being called 'Kookie' by V.


''Taehyungie!'' A voice called out V knew as Jimin's. He turned around to face the older.

''Jimi--'' V started but got cut off by two arms wrapped around his torso.

''Tae are you okey? I heard of Hoseok, what did he do to you?'' Jimin asked as he pulled away and looked the younger in his eyes.


''Hey Jimin why aren't you walking with Taehyung?'' YoonGi asked when he spotted Jimin alone. Normally Taehyung would be around, but today he was nowhere to be seen.

''Oh he forgot something at home so he needed to go back.'' Jimin said when he saw YoonGi comming over to him.z

''Hmh.. i never thought of Taehyung as the type to go back to home when he forgot something, always thought he was the type to let it slide and see what will happen.'' YoonGi spoke and leaned against the lockers.

Jimin put his books he didn't needed in his locker and shrugged.

''Are we still gonno go ice skating today?'' YoonGi asked. Jimin nodded and turned to face him. Just when he was about to answer Namjoon, a kid from Jimin's history class came running over to them.

''Jimin, have you heard about Taehyung?'' Namjoon asked out of breath.

Jimin slowly shook his head as he began to worry a little. ''No.. what happened?'' He asked.

It took a while for Namjoon to answer, he had run all the way to were Jimin was and he had never been the athletic type.

''Rumer has it he got sexually harassed by Hoseok.'' Namjoon managed to say.

Jimin and YoonGi's eyes widened.

''What? When?'' Jimin asked as he slowly started to panick a little. He knew V was beautiful and he was aware of the fact alot of people wanted him to be theire's. He also knew things like this had happened often lately so knowing he wasn't there when it happened made him feel sick.

''Were is he now?'' He asked, not giving Namjoon a change to answer.

''He's with Jungkook. He is taking him to the nurse.'' Namjoon said.


V bit down his lower lip as he saw Jimin. He looks down the ground and shook his head.

Jimin pulled him back into a hug and rested his chin on his shoulder.

''Were you scared?'' He asked soft in V's ear. Taehyung nodded and wrapped his arms around Jimin.

''I'm sorry Tae.. i'm sorry i wasn't there when you needed me.'' Jimin said as he felt a knot in his troath. Taehyung shook his head and smiled.

''You're here now.. and that's what counts..'' He wispered. Jimin nodded and slowly puched away. He got out his phone and called YoonGi.

''Hey Hyung, is it okey if i stay with Taehyung today?'' He asked over the phone.

''Jimin do--'' V said but Jimin didn't reply.

''Okey thank you hyung.'' He said and hung up.

''Jimin you didn't needed to do that..'' V said.

''No i did. I wasn't there when you needed me so i'm here for you now.''

V smiled and pulled Jimin in a hug once again.

''You'r such a idiot..''



YAY FIRST ONESHOT, i know it's crappy and i already had alot of books i need to update but i just couldn't help myself on making an VMIN oneshot book hehe..

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