Part 3

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I'M BACK!!!! holy shit i haven't updated in like forever ha ha! Well here we are with a new chapter! BTW check out all my other works because they will Be updated as well. and check out Truly, Madly, Deeply because i made it!


Finn P.O.V

I was awoken by a sudden bouncing on my bed. As I opened my eyes I was met with a two pairs of piercing green and blue eyes. The owners of the sparkling orbs were absolutely gorgeous being both boys. The green eyed one had curly chocolate brown hair and dimples and the blue had blonde and a perfect smile. "Shes awake!" yelled the blonde one.

I suddenly felt very anxious and shrunk back grasping my knees to my chest for dear life, as a few tears slipped out of my eyelids. A figure burst through the door and immediately began to yell at the two men. "Back off Nialler, and Hazza stop drooling! She is not available to you!"

He yelled as the boys began to move back. He walked up to me and whispered a few words in my ear, "Its me, Liam, your brother, we met yesterday remember?" He asked knowingly, I nodded slightly and immediately collapsed into his arms feeling relief as Liam wrapped his arms around me protectively. I looked up from his shoulder to see that the two mysterious boys had exited the room and most likely made their way downstairs into the kitchen. "How about we go downstairs and see everyone?" Liam suggested hopefully.

"Okay!" I spoke cheerfully instantly feeling better knowing I had Liam to care for me. I walked downstairs and was overwhelmed with the immense amout of people in the kitchen. "Infinity, this is Harry, Zayn, Niall, and Louis." explained Liam.

"Hello.."I muttered under my breath as I was welcomed with a huge hug from each. But when the one named Niall hugged me, it was different, I felt little shocks coarse through my body and shivers were sent down my spine. I coulve sworn he felt them as well since he seemed quite stunned as I walked back to Liam.

After I met everyone the boys told me that they had to go to the studio to record so that meant I was going to be alone all day. "Okay, ave a good day!" I called as they left. I walked into the living room and began to read a book

The entire day was spent on reading, drinking tea, and watching television. I rolled over on the couch and stared at the small alarm clock on the side table only to find that it was almost one a.m. With that i layed down my book and closed my eyes beginning to fall asleep to the quiet hum of the tv.

Niall P.O.V

She was simply amazing. When we hugged all i felt were sparks and my heart began to beat a mile a minute. She was the only thing on my mind all day at the studio. When we arrived home, I walked through the door to find her half asleep on the couch. She was adorable even when she was asleep.

The boys were still in the car except for my and Harry. "Damn Nialler she is fit!" Harry exclaimed as he licked his lips. I dont know why but this made me mad. For once couldnt he let me have the girl, he knew i liked her! I told him after we hugged and now he was being such a jerk!

I rolled my eyes at him and chuckled "Hey harry maybe you should go upstairs and have a shower, you kinda stink." He sighed and began to trudge up the stairs and the last thing i heard before he was drowned out by running water was "DIBS!"

I slowly scooped her up gently and carried her upstairs into her bedroom. I laid her down and put the blanket oovertop of her. Just as I was about to eave I heard her mumble "Stay, Im scared."

My breath hitched in my throat and I slowly pulled off my jeans and shirt and slid in beside her pulling her frame into my body. I smiled when I felt her body relax as she melted into my arms.


AYE AYE AYE!!! you like? yeah there is some Niall love goin on here! What should their couple name be?? Ninn or Fiall?? or Infiniall and Nialty?? COMMENT BELOW!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2013 ⏰

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