Star midnight profile

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star midnight is the most beautiful dragon princess when ever she is near by animals or dragons they will bow down to her.

Star age: 316 billion years old
(that's her dragon age but she still looks 16 years old)

Star looks: beautiful bright golden hair (her hair stops at her waist), beautiful bright blue eyes, nice tan skin, D-cup, 5 foot 8 inches tall, right ear pierced (she has only one ear pierced).

Wearing: light peach strapless bra and light peach panties, also a beautiful long silky white dress with gold on it, white flat shoes, and her kingdom symbol of a black dragon on her right hip.

Star likes are: baking, healing the wounded, her home, dragons, singing, children, flying, talking to the dragons, playing gold fish, swimming, long dresses, waking up early.

Star favourite colours: red, white, and golden yellow.

Star dislikes are: waking up late or waking up way to early, short dresses, the colours green pink and black, seeing her family hurt, seeing children hurt, snobs, losing in a game of gold fish, sometimes fighting.

Star personality: she is very wise, great to hang out with, friendly to her friends and family, overprotective of her mate (a.k.a Sasuke) sings like a angel, loves helping out, kind to children too.

Star blood type: A positive

Star mate: Sasuke

Star powers: galaxy dragon roar, galaxy dragon punch, galaxy dragon beam, healing, galaxy dragon sonic scream.

Star dragon form: she is the first pure galaxy dragon to live, her dragon height is 200 feet tall (the third tallest dragon to live)

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