Ella (Short Story)

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Short story? Or should I do a real story?

"Ella, get downstairs now. You're late!"

I sat up in bed, confused for a second before I realized that I was late. "I'm coming Bob, wait a second please!" I yelled, and rushed off to my dresser, where I quickly grabbed my uniform. I ran my brush through my hair after I had changed, as it was a rats nest.

As I ran down the stairs, I ran into George.

"Watch where you're going, CinderElla," he said, using my most dreaded nickname. It was from when I had fallen asleep one night after cleaning the fireplace and George had found me covered in ash.

"Sorry," I said as I squeezed past him. Once I was downstairs, I quickly ran into the kitchen.

My step-dad, Bob, was yelling this morning because I am supposed to be up earlier than everyone to make breakfast.

I quickly got a pan out to make eggs and bacon, enough to feed three people. I guess it would be four, if you include me. You're probably wondering who the third person i-

"Yay! You made bacon," said my little five year-old half brother, Stewart, as he ran up and hugged me. He was the only one in this house that actually liked me, if you didn't include the other maids.

He quickly grabbed the plate of bacon and just as he was about to grab a piece, I stopped him by saying, "Be careful, it's hot."

As I said that, Bob and George walked in. "Wow you actually got breakfast done?" said Bob. "Now. Go mop all of the floors, clean all of the shelves, and water all of the plants in the garden."

I rushed to get my cleaning supplies from the top floor closet, when my stomach growled. I'll eat something later, I thought as I hurried to start mopping the floor.


I had been mopping for three hours, enough to finish the whole house except for the room I'm in now. Just as I was getting done, Bob came in. He said, "Tonight there is a party for your brother's friend, Joe, you need to finish cleaning the floors up an-"

I cut him off by quietly saying, "I'm already done." As it left my mouth, I knew I should not have even said anything, let alone cut him off.

When I saw his face I knew that I was right, as his expression was almost scary. Well, to most people it's really scary, but the more you see it, it starts to lessen your fear.

I knew what was coming when he all of the sudden knocked over the bucket of water, "Now you aren't. After you're done cleaning this up, finish your other chores, then you may go to your room," he said as he started walking out of the room.

"But what about the party?", I asked in a small voice.

"You will not be attending the party," he said without even turning around. As he closed the door, it creaked, "You also need to fix that tonight," he said, or at least that's what I heard him say through the door.

After cleaning the everything up, it was already around 10:45pm so I went ahead and layed down. I opened my eyes to a beautiful woman bursting through my door. "Hello and who are you?" I said shyly.

"Ella! It has been so long!," she said as she ran up and hugged me so hard I could barely breath. I don't know how she knew my name, or who she was, but the hug sure felt nice, other than the not breathing part.

"Who are you?" I asked again, breathlessly.

"I am your mother's old friend, Meghan, and I just found a note from her saying that I was supposed to be the one taking care of you," Meghan said, still hugging me.

My chest was beginning to hurt as I asked, "Really? Y-You knew my mother?" It took so much breath to say even that, I had to cough at the end.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry, why didn't you tell me that I was holding you too tight?" she asked while quickly letting me go when she heard me coughing.

"It's okay, it felt kind of nice," I said quietly, missing her warmth.

"Come on, we need to get to packing your stuff," she said, starting to pull me out the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To your room, right?" she said, pushing me in front of her.

"We're already in my room," I said. As I started walking to my dresser.

"Wow, your room is smaller than I remembered," she remarked.

"Yeah, my old room is now George's room," I said dejectedly. I've lived in this one for almost five years. My old room was an even bigger room than my mo- Nevermind.

"Quickly, get packing," Meghan said. "We don't have much time."

"Doesn't Bob know what you're doing?" I asked timidly.

"No, that's why we need to hurry and get out of here," she said. "Where's your suitcase? Can you get it for me please?"

"I don't really have one," I said saddly.

"Well then, we'll just have to go, grab everything you can that's important to you," she quickly said.

So, I grabbed a sweater, a pair of old tennis shoes, and a hairbrush.

"That's important?" she asked as we walked out the door.

"This is everything I own," I quietly said, quickening my pace.

As we walked down the steps, she was silent. Just as we were walking out the door, I realized that we didn't have to worry about the boys finding us. They were at the party, and I think Stewart is with a babysitter. I told her this, and she visibly relaxed.

"Okay, we still need to hurry though," she said

"I know," I replied.

We got into her truck, a maroon Ford pickup truck. Once we were out of the driveway, I thought about it, I hadn't been outside of the property for four whole years. Since my first, last, and only escape attempt.

I started to get tired the farther we drove, so I rested my head on the window and closed my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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