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After I had finished all of their blood, I gazed at all three males who were laying cold and lifeless on the ground. They were filled with rich blood which was the best of all blood. I stood up and became dizzy. The alcohol in their blood was slightly affected me making my mind even more cloudy.

My senses came back and the craving of blood went away. No. Three men on the ground dead because of me. I didn't have much time to dwell on it, for my enemy is coming. The cause of death for all vampires. The big ball of light slowly turned the sky from black to variations of pink, red, and orange.

My breathing picked up as I became stricken with fear. I had to run, but I would draw to much attention to myself if I ran in a nightdress, a bloody nightdress.

My eyes flickered to the smallest male both in height and build. I know I'm much smaller, but I need new clothes. Quickly. I ran to the male and started to pull his clothes off. The jacket with no sleeves and strange fabric was easy, but the dirty white shirt was harder to pull off. As the strange shirt move up his skin revealing skin, I noticed that scars covered most of his chest and some of his belly.

Swallowing hard, I pushed bad thoughts away and pulled my clothes off to where I was kneeling naked in the dark area. The shirt slid over my head easily and the strange jacket rested on my shoulders with much room to spare. My behind was covered by the overly large shirt making it easy to move without being to embarrassed.

I reached to the male's pants line where a sophisticated belt was looped into the pants. It was weird how the jacket and his pants were made of the same strange fabric. With each one of my hands on a pant leg, I tugged them off. A black rectangular object fell from inside the pants near the pants line. I crawled over to it and picked it up. It was light and weird, but I didn't take too much time to look at it. After putting it back in the pocket that was in the pants, I pulled the smaller looking pants off him.

My eyes slammed shut after seeing the male's thing. It wasn't anything I wanted to see, and I had no interest in seeing it again. The smaller pants came off easily. I took both over to a different male and put them on away from the male I was at. I quickly put the smaller pants on as well as the pant on, then fiddled with the belt until it held the pants tight against my stomach. The sun started to brightened the sky even more. I knew that if I wait any longer, then my life would be taken like how I took the lives of the three males.

I ran to the big black slab and tired to find a shady spot I could hide at during the day. My feet carried me to a forest-like area. I would be safe. Maybe. The only part was that I had already been in the sun way too long. I was weak and full of fear. Tree after tree after tree passed by me as I walked around. Leaves crunched under my bare feet, and broken twigs and sticks cut into my skin. My blood stained the pathway I walked.

Every little sound from the tweet of a bird to the snap of a twig made me jump. A squirrel suddenly ran in front of me out of no where causing me to let out a short scream. I paused to listen. No new sound of people out to kill. No cries of anger towards me. I had not been caught. Trees now moved slower as I passed them. My ears and eyes were very sensitive to what was going on around me.

A few moments passed, and nothing had changed other than I had grown even weaker. My heart almost stopped when a vibration started occurring on my leg. It couldn't have been produced by my body. My hand pushed against my leg and a thin rectangular object. I reached into the pocket of the pants and pulled out the rectangular thing after lifting the strange jacket and shirt. It vibrated in my hand, and the screen was bright with a girl and word as well as a green and red circle.

I didn't know what to do. This thing must be filled with magic to come to life like this. The girl, word, and circles went away as the vibration stopped. The front went back to being black like the rest of it. I examined it as I continued walking, eventually putting it back in the pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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