Chapter 1

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The rain didn't really seem to let up the slightest bit. He didn't know it was storming out until he was woken up by the loudest boom of thunder he's ever heard. Going back to bed wasn't an option, it was 6AM and Tyler's mind refused to go back into a dreamless sleep. So he laid there in silence, listening to the rain as it hit the window, counting the seconds between lighting and thunder, he did anything he could do to pass the time.

Tyler enjoyed the rain though, it brought comfort for him. He always thought that the gloomiest days were the best. He could spend all of his time inside, reading or entertaining himself with whatever they had in the house. At times Tyler would just stay in his room and watch the droplets of water hit the window with its usual pitter-patter.

After about half an hour he decided to get up and go downstairs. He slipped on his fuzzy slippers and made his way into the hallway outside of his room. Slowly, he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen. He wasn't really hungry, mainly bored, but that didn't stop him from checking whatever they had leftover from yesterday, he let out a sigh once he couldn't find anything and he sat down at the table. He looked at the left over party decorations that were scattered all over the place.

Yesterday was fun, I guess.

He put his head down and started playing with his hands. He liked his birthday, and the party they threw him, but he hated it at the same time. Tyler shook his head in an attempt to push out any thoughts that tried to come back. He didn't want to remember anything that he's tried so hard to forget, but the thoughts kept jumping out at him. He buried his face into his hands and took a deep breath. He wanted to scream but he couldn't. He wanted to let out all these noises that were kept quiet but he couldn't. He wanted to talk and laugh and be normal because he felt like he deserved to be normal. But he couldn't because of that horrible thing. He shuddered at the memory.

Suddenly he was brought back to reality once his mother squeezed his shoulders in a reassuring gesture. "Are you okay?"

Tyler nodded slowly, before rubbing his tired eyes. She smiled, "Did you enjoy your birthday, Ty?" He sighed remembering that he was now 16.

He shrugged his shoulders and nodded, the birthday was good, the memory is what ruined it. But overall, yes, he had a good birthday.

"That's good to know," she said kindly. "Do you want anything right now?"

He shook his head.

"Okay, well, if you need anything then let me know. Oh, and remember to do your session today, I know you hate it but you need to keep it up if you want to get better."

Better, yeah right. He hated his therapy sessions, he did them over Skype which was easier, but that didn't change the fact that he didn't want to do them. He looked back at his mother who was waiting for an answer and he gave her a thumbs up.

"Any plans for today?" She asked while her coffee brewed.

He shrugged again and shook his head to say no. He hated Saturdays, they were boring in his point of view. Tyler never had anything to do, besides therapy, and Sunday wasn't much fun either.

"Noah said he'd be taking you to the mall remember?" Tyler let out a frustrated sigh at the mention of these plans that his best friend had made. Noah knew that Tyler hated going to public places but Tyler's therapist says that he should start going out more and Noah made sure he got his taste of social time because he was the only one that could make Tyler do so.

He pulled out his phone and opened up his notes, I don't wanna go, please don't make me. He typed out before showing his mother.

She sighed after reading it, "Tyler, c'mon now. Noah's only doing what's best for you." She kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair. "And we all want what's best for you. Okay?"

Tyler sighed and simply nodded.

"Noah said he'd take you around 10 o'clock. Now if I were you I'd go get some more sleep because you look tired."

Tyler smiled at his mother's comment on his appearance before heading upstairs to go back to bed. He kicked off his slippers and slid under the several blankets he had. He pulled out his phone and texted his best friend.

Tyler: Wake up, sleeping beauty.

He closed his eyes and locked his phone, a couple minutes later he got a reply.

Noah: It's like 6am, I need my beauty sleep.

Tyler: It won't do you any good. ;)


He smiled to himself as he read Noah's message. Tyler hated being called pretty but when Noah called him that he didn't really mind.

Tyler: Just get over here, I'm bored.

Noah didn't reply, but Tyler knew that Noah was probably getting out of bed just to come over. He knew he was right when he heard the knock on the front door around ten minutes later.

He didn't try to get out of bed to answer, Noah always knew where to find Tyler. Once Tyler's mom answered the door he heard them chatting, then a few seconds later he heard Noah's footsteps as he came up the stairs.

Tyler peaked out from the blankets to see an unhappy Noah standing at the door. His hair was wet from the rain and it looks like he didn't bother changing out of his pajamas.

"I blame you for my soggy socks," Noah said as he kicked off his wet slippers. He walked to the bed and tried to unravel Tyler from the several layers of blankets.

He pulled off the blankets and gave Tyler an evil grin before placing his very cold hands on Tyler's bare feet. Tyler cringed at the contact and Noah laughed at his reaction before he took the blankets and wrapped them around himself to warm up. Tyler threw a pillow at him to show his disagreement and only received a chuckle from the other boy.

Noah jumped onto the bed and wrapped Tyler in an embrace, Tyler made a face once Noah's wet hair came in contact with the side of his face. "You deserve this for waking me up you jerk." Noah said with a smile. Tyler returned the gesture but his smile was more timid and sheepish.

He pulled out his phone and started typing to his friend.

I don't wanna go to the mall, can't we do something else?

He handed Noah his phone, the older boy paused for a second before typing out his response.

No. We can't, look I know you don't like it but it's for your benefit. I'll buy you whatever you want, just promise me you'll try to have a good time? Do it for me, okay?

Noah, please. Can't it just be you and me like every other day?

Tyler, understand, please?

Tyler understood. He did. He knew that Noah wanted what was best for him. It was the least he could do, he'd do anything for Noah, just like Noah would do anything for him.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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