Chapter 1

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I took a deep breath. Finally, I was walking down the pavement to my dream school. I'm finally going to Central Video College! I can meet some of my favorite YouTubers, & meet new YouTubers! It all sounds great to me.

As I walk in, I grab a pamphlet from the lady standing by the front door. "You can grab your dorm room number & key from the lady in the pink shirt", she said, point at another girl. "We hope you enjoy here!" "Thank you!", I replied as I continued on my way. I picked up my room number & key. I got room 413. Appertaining they didn't tell me who my roommate was because they want it to be a surprise for all students who they're rooming with. The mystery sounded fun.

"Attention all students!", came a voice from the inner-com. "Everyone must report to the auditorium for a short presentation!  There is a map of the school in your pamphlet. We will begin our presentation in 10 minutes! Thank you, and enjoy Central Video!" 'Wow', I thought. 'This sounds exciting!' I started to fast walk towards the auditorium, while not bumping into anyone in the crowd. I wanted to get a good seat.

When I got there, I saw that about half the auditorium was already filled! 'Damn, we must have some fast students here', I thought as I went to find a seat. I noticed a girl sitting in the middle with long, brown hair & a white dress. She couldn't be that bad, so I went & sat by her.

"Hi! I'm Aspen, nice to meet you!", I said as I sat down. "Oh, hello! I'm Marzia", the girl replied, smiling. She had a slight Italian accent. We decided to talk a little about what we thought school was going to be like. In the middle of the conversation, something clicked in my brain. This was PewDiePie's girlfriend! 'She probably hears about her & Pewds all the time though', I thought. 'I might as well just keep this conversation going' We just continued to talk about school, & what sort of videos we plan to make.

A few minutes later, the lights dimmed in the auditorium. The bright light of a spotlight & a projector shot across the room. A tall lady with short, blonde hair that was wearing a gray suit walked up on stage with a microphone in her hand.

"Good afternoon!", she said. "I am Mrs. Genny, & I run Central Video. This first week of school will be more of an orientation, because our campus is huge! We just need to tell you a few things first" She began flipping slides. The slides went over basic rules, where things were, & extra curricular activities. Basic stuff. Then she got to something that wasn't so basic.

"Now everyone listen very closely", Mrs. Genny began. "We sort you all into groups. Not based on your dorms, but based on your videos. When you go to your dorms, you will see a piece of paper on your desk with a website on it. Go to that website & take the survey there. The survey is about YOUR videos! I'm not telling you what the groups are now, so that you don't cheat. I'm sure you'll all love your groups. You are not limited to your groups though, you can interact with all students. Your roommate might be in a completely different group as you!"

Everyone was turning & whispering to each other about these groups. I was just scanning the auditorium to see if I could recognize anyone. I saw Markiplier, Matthais, the Game Grumps, Smosh, the Warp Zone, all sorts of people! I saw a bunch of people I didn't recognize also. This was going to be super fun.

"Now, it's time for you all to meet your roommates!", Mrs. Genny said. Everyone's heads snapped up to look at her again. "Everyone, use the maps in your pamphlets & go straight to your dorm. Your stuff has already been placed in there. We will call you back out in about half an hour, so that everyone can meet their roommates. Have fun, & enjoy your time here at Central Video!"

Everyone rushed out of the auditorium. I went as fast as I could, but it was super hard. There had to have been about 2,000 students or more! It was crazy.

I finally made it to my dorm. I wondered if I had beat my roommate to the dorm or not. I leaned my ear up against the door, & heard someone walking around. 'Oh my god!' I thought. 'They're already there!' I took a deep breath. "Alright, I can do this", I whispered. I took a deep breath & opened up the door...

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