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Here I am sitting alone in the hallway, when I should be in class.
Why? Because I'm invisible to everyone so it won't make a difference whether or not I'm there.
The bell rings which lets me know that 3rd period is over. The hallway swarms with people faster than Wal-Mart on Black Friday. Two seconds later I'm left alone again with nothing but my thoughts. I stare at the beige prison like wall and wonder, "Why am I such a loser? My life is a complete waste. I wish I was never born. The world would be better off without me". I look up between sobs and see a tall dark figure sneaking around the hallway cautiously, too cautiously.
I follow the figure around walls and corners, ducking into the nearest hiding spot every thirty seconds. The hallway seems like an endless tunnel. They burst outside through the doors and I follow suit.  I look around but all I can see is the luscious scene of greenry. The figure is gone.
I try to go back to return to my sulking, but the door resists. I'm locked out. Just great.
I consider going home, but I know that I won't be able to avoid my mom's interrogation. So, I decide to head to the park.
Seeing all of these people hanging out in groups makes me hate myself even more. I decide to go to Rita's Italian Ice shop. After I get my peach mango italian ice, I go outside and find a nice comfy bench. I think about playing soccer, but then my mind says "Really? Do you want to look more pathetic than you already are? I mean who plays soccer by themself? That's just sad". I check my phone, which informs me that it's 3 pm.
I saunter home. Once I reach the small blue house that I still am not accustomed to, I ring the doorbell. Silence.
I ring it ten more times and sigh. I rummage through my backpack and pull out tons of junk including gum wrappers, crumpled papers, pencils glued to pens, etc. I finally find my keys after dumping all of my backpack's contents onto the porch. I shove the silver piece of metal into the lock and force the door open.
I head up to my room and start to do my homework. After staring at my textbook for a bit, I go in to the bathroom and open the cabinet filled with medications and pills. I lock the door and grab some red and blue pills, deciding to put an end to my misery and terrible life. I'll give the world what it wants.
I hear the rickety garage open below me. My mom is home. I can hear her running up the stairs to the bathroom door. She's desperately trying to open the door and screaming "Mackenzie!!!! Open this door right now! Don't do it! MACKENZIEEE!" I could hear her weeping. I'm sure the neighboring states could hear her.
I heard her calling 911 and saying, "Yes, I have an emergency! My daughter has locked herself in the bathroom....yes...I don't know, maybe an hour...". Just then everything vanished and turned pitch black as I hit the floor.

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