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Me:We have our new member!And its Candy!(candysugersparkle)

Anya:I smell like beef.


Candy:You should watch da vid.


Anya:Wuts the dare?

Me:uhhh...*gazing into outer space*

Candy:Lets make up a dare!

Me:I don't have one.

Candy:I do!This dare is for Alyssa,she has to do the chicken dance at the mall!

Me:I done that before but okay!

Widow:Umm okay.

-At the Mall-

Candy:It's time!

Me:Um,okay!*starts doing the chicken dance*

People at the mall:*taking photos &  videos, and laughing so hard*

Sorry for short chappie!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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