Chapter 3: The "fun" in the group

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                       After the long ride, they stopped in the town of Weazopia. The king then proclaimed the same speech as he did in the other villages. As always only one peasant stayed. He was a goofball who was pressured into doing it. Frank asked him the same questions. The boy said, " I am Oswald Bulb, sixteen, and I am doing this because my friends told me to because they said I would be cool." As always the king said thank you.

                      They packed up and set out again. It was painful for everyone. " What do you call a magic owl? Hoooodini!" Oswald said. " Hahaha you said that ten times all ready!" Adam exclaimed. Adam was about to kill Oswald, but James held them back. They all practiced with axes, swords, and even sticks. Frank hoped it would get better from there.

This is a note to everyone I am still doing this series, but I am starting a new one. It is called the zombie apocalypse. Sorry it was short. Enjoy!

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