You give them your number

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America ;

You hated working at McDonalds. The people were either rude or just plain stupid. Your coworkers were lazy and the food made you want to throw up.
(Sorry if you actually like McDonalds)
"5 BURGERS PLEASE." A blonde guy busted through the door. You giggled , there was never really any action, except when a stupid kid would throw up every now and then. You smiled at him "is that all?" He blushed when he reached the counter,"Uh a large coke too , thanks." You handed him his food and coke hoping all those burger wouldn't  give him a heart attack. You may have also slipped your number on his receipt. 

"America would you bloody slow down!" Two more blondes entered. What's with all the blondes? America ,  or thats what the short one called him , sat down and reddened once he saw the number.

"Hey dudes! I just got a hot chicks number!"

Canada ;

Your friend had dragged you into working the concession stand at the hockey game.
"CANADA DO YOU THINK THEY HAVE BURGERS?" You were quite used to loud costumes by now but they were usually old fat guys that were shirtless and covered in paint.
"I doubt it America." Two boys came up to you.
"I'll have a Coke and a side of your number." The louder one winked. You laughed at how pathetic he was. You wrote your number on a napkin. He reached for it but you pulled your hand back and gave it to the so called Canada. "Call me."

"What the hell man!!!" America shout as Canada pulled him away.

Britain ( England ) ;

You were looking for a new book at your local library when you ran into someone dropping your books. "Oh I'm sorry!"   You began helping him pick up his books "no it was my fault. sorry love , I should have been watching were I was going." He handed you your books.
"Heh it's like in the movies" you said awkwardly.
"Heh yah , I guess I'll see you around?- " he began to walk away.
"Eh yeah ... Hey! Wait! Here- " you handed him a book mark with your number on it.
"See you around?"
"Yeah" he smiled.

France ;

You were at an art gallery in Paris admiring the paintings. "Enjoying thz view?" A handsome man with long blonde hair and cute accent stood next to you. "Yes , it's very beautiful." You say and he smirked. "You know what else iz beautiful? You , ma Cherie." He smiled. You blushed like mad. He noticed your flushed pink face. "You look lovely in red Cherie."

Let's just say he gave you his number and you couldn't get him out of your head all day.

Germany ;

"Sorry!" You had just ran into someone, well I say someone they felt like a rock. "Are you ok?" He was very tall and talked kinda funny. You giggled "yeah I'm aright , say your accents cute." He blushed and stiffened,  obviously embarrassed.  "Uh thank  you." You smirked ,  "since you ran into me , you should have to pay me back by giving me your number."

Italy ;

"Say, whats a pretty girl doing eating alone?" A cute boy stopped by your table. You were eating at an Italian restaurant passing the time, you were meeting up later with your good friend Japan.

"Just passing the time I guess." You smiled.

"Well I'll pass the time with you!" He sat down and you two ate pasta together till you had to go.

"Aww , you have to leave so soon?" You nodded and gave him your number.

"I can't wait to tell Germany I got a pretty girls number!"

Romano ;

You were helping Spain and Italy carry groceries to make pasta. "There you are you bastard , where have you... Who's she ?" A (almost) twin of Italy was screaming at Spain. His faces turned a bright red. "This is y/n , y/n , this is Romano."
You smiled.

"Next time tell me where your going you bastard!" He walked out of the room flustered.


You went to leave after making pasta and pizza with them and forgot your phone so you went back inside to get it and saw Romano talking to Spain.

"You bastard give me her number!"


You saw a man carrying way too many bags of tomatoes. "Dammit!" He kept dropping them. You tried not to laugh, "Hey, need any help?" He smiled when he saw you , not knowing you were there before. "Thanks Chica!" You walked home with him , bags of tomatoes in hand. "Thank you for helping me Chica."
"No prob, here." You wrote your number on a tomato.
"In case you need any more help." You winked.


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