chapter three: love is born

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Narutos house

The sun began to shine through the bright orange curtains hanging above naruto guest room window and onto a rather unsuspecting young Hyuga heiress. The sleeping young women resembled nothing less then an angel waking from a peaceful slumber, although she did seem rather confused as she just woke from a very pleasant dream one that she grew fond of, her confession to Naruto. Unbeknownst to her this dream might soon become reality.

"Stupid sun..." the beauty mumbled.
'huh wait where am I' she thought to her self as she began to panic inside. Jumping up swiftly she activated her byakugan but to her surprise her vision was filled from all direction with nothing else but the Uzumaki clan symbol seeming engraved on everything. Still dazed from just waking up she remained oblivious to the prior night and redirected even more chakra to her eyes strengthening them and increasing there field of vision and distance.
" t..that nar..nar...naruto-kun?!" she screamed in a hushed tone.

She seen naruto sleeping in the room two doors down snoring quietly.

She smiled to herself as memories from the prior night began to flood back to her. Her smile soon faded as her stomach growled rather loudly.

'Knowing naruto-kun there's probably only ramen in his while house' she thought as she began to giggle at her friends love of ramen. She went to the bathroom to freshen up and have a quick shower before changing back into her lavender shirt, and sweats that reached right above her ankles, then strapped her weapons pouch to her upper right thigh before heading to the kitchen.

Hinatas jaw dropped when she saw all the different vegetables and meats and spices... Then she glanced at the cook book which described how to prepare all kinds of ramen as fresh as possible and she figured out the reason for all of it.

As a small thank you she decided to cook breakfast for the fox like blonde. 'hmmm let's she what I have to work with; scrambled eggs, bacon, OJ, hmm that should do it oh I hope he likes it.'

The kitchen being pretty close to the room naruto chose to sleep in this night he awoke to the commotion of Hinata cooking up a storm. Unlike Hinata naruto immediately recalled yesterday's events. His face began to screw up at his confusion, feelings that where so clear to him yesterday are now barred with questions. Tossing the thoughts aside he thought it best to ignore it.

After getting dressed and ready he caught a wiff of something that made his mouth water, following the aroma he found himself in his kitchen watching Hinata cooking her byakugan active and obviously using her advanced skills in chakra control to move lightning fast. The sight was nothing short of hilarious as it looked like she was sparing with the food.

"Hinata, what are you doing?" Naruto said while giggling.
Hinata looked at the mess and just the fact that she was using his kitchen without permission made her think he was about to her scolded.
"I h..hope you don't m..mind I w..wanted to make you b...breakfast....I.. I'll clean up the mess a p..promise" She said while pushing her two pointer fingers together.

Naruto smiled inside realizing she was worried but decided to egg her on "yeah it is quite a mess..." He said looking around while keeping a stern look and voice. "As punishment.... You'll have to help me eat it all" he said with a huge grin" Hinata soon relaxed as she realized he was kidding. She walked over and shoved him lightly on the shoulder. "You shouldn't do that naruto-kun I thought you where really mad"
"Your not m..mad a..are you" Hinata asked while forming her beautiful Hyuga eyes into the most adorable puppy dog eyes naruto ever saw.

"Now how can I ever be made at a face like that, you know Hinata I really how cute you get when you want your way it makes me feel fuzzy and warm... You should do it more often" naruto said with a smile.

Hinatas eyes widened 'he thinks I'm cute?!' "you t...think I..I'm cute?"
'did I just ask that out loud!?'

"Huh? Of course I do Hinata-chan you're the cutest girl in the leaf believe it!" 'Did I just say that!?'

Hinata nearly fainted at his statement
But kept herself awake, she's alone with naruto and it feels too right. But what happened next will prove too much for the Hyuga princess.

Naruto reached up and moved a loose strand of Hinatas hair from her face and gently tucked it behind her ear. Naruto was acting on instinct, despite his internal protest his body wanted to touch her and his eyes wanted to see her flawless face. Then he finally spoke while Hinata starred into his beep blue eyes barely holding onto reality as she blushed a darker red then ever before.

"Your also the most beautiful girl to ever be born"

His eyes got what they desire and starred at her angelic face while his hand gently cupped her cheek satisfying it's longing for the warmth of her skin. He stopped protesting what his body was doing because it felt right in every way, he soon began to feel a new desire and as if he lost full control of his body he began to move closer his lips inches from hers. He took one last look into her eyes and saw she was begging him to close the gap and kiss her. He closed his eyes, Hinata followed suit. He moved closer and gently kissed her on her lips.

After what seemed like minutes naruto broke the kiss and starred into her eyes before saying, "I think... I think I lo.... Hinata what's wrong!" She went limp as she lost hold of reality and she lost conscienceness in utter bliss.

Hi, please comment what you think, even if you just telling me it's not turning out good or if you have ideas but mainly let me know if I should continue, I also wrote this one directly then the chapters prior to it, you like? Or no? Thank you for reading, again please comment and give your feedback.

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