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Naruto's pov~
I sat in the waiting room. After they had rushed Sakura into the emergency room. All that I could think of was how I was going to relay it all to the kids. I got sasuke to bring them to the hospital since it was almost night time and sasuke had to go to a function.
"Daddy!" I heard ayumi shout. I looked towards the direction of the sound. To see sasuke with all 4 of the kids.
"Hey!" I said as lively as I could to ayumi,eren,sayuri,and ryuu.
"What happened to mommy?" Eren asked clutching onto his teddy bear and looking at me with tear filled eyes.
"Nothing bad has happened to mommy." I replied to him as best as I could. Sasuke gave me a look of sympathy while I tried to keep myself from breaking.
"Naruto?" Sasuke called to me. I looked to his direction. "Could I talk to you in private?" He asked ever so casually.
"Sure thing." I said. " I'll be back guys." I told the kids with a smile.
"Ok." They said in unison returning to their previous activities.
"So exactly what happened?" sasuke asked when we reached the far end of the hallway.
"Well there was a gun attack and then when we tried to escape she got shot so I called an ambulance and now we're here. " I said still trying not to break.
"I'm sorry bro." Sasuke said sadly. " I don't think she's going to make it."
"I wasn't exactly thinking that either." I replied sadly. "The amount of time they have taken and everything else. I don't think she will." I said.
"Well all we can do is hope." Sasuke said resting a hand on my shoulder.
We returned to the kids sitting in the waiting room. Just then a doctor came out. "Naruto uzumaki?" He called.
"Here." I said standing.
"Could I speak to you privately?" He asked.
"Sure." I replied following him to a corner of the room.
"Well it is apparent that your wife Sakura uzumaki will not be able to make it out alive because of where the bullet is and the complications that have already posed themselves is enough to prove it." He said. "I'm sorry for your loss sir." He said looking at me sympathetically. 
"She's not here anymore." I said in a whisper. "She can't be gone. She's still alive right?" I mumbled. "when can I see her?" I asked.
"Soon." The doctor said. " I will return to inform you." He added.
"Thank you." I said before proceeding back to my seat. I nodded my head no to sasuke when his facial expression questioned mine. He frowned as I sat with my face in my palms.
"Daddy?" Ayumi questioned.
"Yes?" I asked with a raspy voice.
"Is mommy ok?" She asked.
"Yes. Mummy's just asleep." I lied.
"Guys how about we go for snacks?" Sasuke happily asked.
"Yeah!" Eren and ayumi responded.
"Ok let's go." Sasuke said."sayuri could you come with us too?" Sasuke asked.
"Sure." She said removing herself from her current seat. He left me with ryuu. That smart idiot.
"Dad? What's the real deal?" My 13 year old son asked.
"Your mom is not going to make it ryuu." I told him bluntly.
"You can't be serious...?" He said in a questioning way.
"Believe it or not that's the situation right now." I said. Ryuu began to cry.
"Hey tough guy. You can't cry." I told him while I hugged his shaking body.
"But she was a big part of me dad. How am I supposed to give her up?" He asked through tears.
"You don't have to give her up. You just have to accept it,son." I told him.
"I don't wanna lose mom." He said crying louder.
"I don't want to lose her either." I let a tear slip. "But that's what we have to do. Let her go in peace and always keep her here and here. " I said breaking the hug and pointing my index finger at his head and his heart.
"I'm going to miss her dad." He said rubbing his tears in his sleeve.
"I'm gunna miss her too." I agreed.
Sasuke came back with a huge bag of snacks and a laughing eren and ayumi but a frowning sayuri.
"What happened sayuri?" I asked her when they got closer.
"I think she has an idea." Ryuu whispered to me.
"Maybe." I replied.
"Nothing dad." She said pulling the best smile she could.
"Do you mind sitting next to me?" I asked gesturing towards the vacant spot on my left. She simply sat in the seat looking to me with an unsettling frown again. I looked over to where the other two were to see if it they were out of hearing range. And they were so I proceeded to tell my 12 year old daughter the situation.
"Yuri.." I called her nickname. "Mom won't be with us anymore because she has somewhere else to go." I said trying to put it as simple and hurtles as possible.
"I thought so.." Her voice cracked. She leaned her head on my shoulder as she let the news sink in. "But we will still have mom with us,right toūchan?" She asked sadly about to cry.
"As long as we need her." I replied stroking her hair to comfort her. It was going to be quite a long time I would have to keep up my lies to the other two. A very long set of years matter of fact.

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