chapter 1

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Your watching your favorite episode of fruits basket. You dreamily wonder what it would be like to live there and be with your one true love. KYO!!!!!!

You see a shooting star pass by outside. You put your hands together. I wish, I wish, upon this star, to go to the world of fruits basket and be happy and live their forever!! A dream that sounded way to good to be true (:

you lay on your couch and close your eyes. Then drift off into a heavy sleep.-you wake up to chirping noises. Startled you open your eyes to find that your laying on the ground. In a frilly pink and blue dress. That is now covered with grass stains and dirt. you sigh and it looked like it was pretty to..): you look around and notice that your on a grassy terain.

"Wow, where am I ?? Wait I was on my couch..." you look around confused. So you get up and decide to look around...

you find a path and decide to follow it. Thinking whats the worst that could happen its just a path. you evently see a house to your left and think how strange. So you notice the path leads to infront of the house. You spend at least two minutes argueing with yourself about whether or not you should walk the path to the house. So that you can find out where you are. You ultimately decide to suck it up and go. So you walk the path and your in front of the house. Just as your about to knock on the door, a boy with orange hair walks out not noticing. Since he didn't notice you he fell on you and ended up hugging you. *poof* you see an orange cat. "That's strange i could have sworn there was a boy here.." you say with a confused expression while your petting the cat.

" Damn it woman stop petting me!!" You slowly look down at the cat. "Did you just talk?" The cat looked worried. "Opps...i mean meow" You are in total shock so you faint. The cat looks at you. "Great just great.. Shigure get out here!!"

Shigure opens the door and looks outside.."Oh kyo you really should stop making beatiful flowers faint on the hard ground. Really its not gentleman like. What will the poor girl think about your manners.?"

Kyo glared at shigure.."JUST..HELP..HER..INSIDE..NOW!!!" Shigure fake cryed. "Why are you always so pushy kyo?" *smack* Shigure fell over. Out of nowhere apperead Yuki, holding his book bag. Shigure sat up. "Yuki must you be so cruel!!" Shigure fake cryed again. Completely ignoring shigure, yuki walked up to you. (you were still passed out.)

"What did you do this time stupid cat?" Kyo looked pissed. "NOTHIN YOU DAMN RAT, I WAS JUST LEAVING THE HOUSE GOING TO SCHOOL AND SHE COMES OUT OF NO WHERE. CAUSING ME TO FALL AND HUG HER!! NOW HELP ME GET HER INSIDE!!" *poof* Yuki looked away "after you get some clothes on stupid cat." Kyo walked into the house muttering "damn rat." Yuki looked down at you and smiled. He thought you looked pretty. Five minutes later kyo came back and they both helped you into the house while shigure fixed up the empty room for you. They laid you down in bed and closed the door. letting you sleep.

End of chapter

so what did you think?? My very first fanfic chapter (: there is still more chapters to come i just want to see what every one thinks and if they would like more chapters..

A Fruits Basket fanfiction (Kyo plus you)Where stories live. Discover now