Part 1

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TheStrangers Of Yesterday.

"So how are you and Walt?" Madison asked coyly.

I almost spit out my coffee. I knew she was just trying to catch me off guard to make everyone laugh. She of course knew how me and Walt were doing. She was my best friend, she knew everything about me.

"Yeah,how are you guys doing?" Brianne chimed in, looking up from her phone.

She was most likely texting her serious boyfriend Ethan. Her and Ethan had been going out for about a month now and she was already completely obsessed. I knew for a fact that she was counting down the days until their two month anniversary. Ethan goes to a different school and she does not get so see him often. I have not even met him before. Brianne keeps saying that we will meet him soon. I have no idea when that will be.

"We are doing great." I tried to act casual but a smile was already creeping onto my face.

I took a bite of my eggs to try and hide it.

"Oh my god! Adi has finally fallen in love! Madison giggled.

"No I am not!" I cried defensively.

"She acts like this all the time." Malory laughed.

'Maybe that's true but still." Madison said.

"Are you guys ready to go to school or are we going to waste our time arguing about my

personal feelings? I don't want to be late."

Five minutes later the three of us were all crammed in my Buick that was a hideous color of beige. The air conditioner system made a strange clicking noise and it never did it's job right. The only good thing about my car was the sound system was that I could blast Sam Smith or Fetty Wap all across town.

It was May. School was almost out. My Junior year was coming successfully to a close. My friends and I had accomplished a great year and we all so ready for the summer. We had amazing plans. Madison has this cabin up at American Falls. We were already planning to spend a week or two up there boating and working on our summer tans. I could not wait for the last school bell of the year to ring.

It was a hot day out. If you stood still and looked up at the black road you could faintly see it radiating with heat.

"Why isn't the air working?" Brianne wined.

"It never works," Madison answered for me.

Brianne started fanning herself with her phone. I laughed as I pulled into the school parking lot. I turned off my car and looked behind me.

"Okay everyone, out of the taxi." I said.

They all laughed as we opened the doors of my car and stepped out.

"Holy shit" Malory cried, "Your car is hotter than out here!"

Just then Walt's black Mercedes-Benz pulled up into the parking spot next to us. When he opened up his car door I walked up to greet him.

"Hey."I gave him quick kiss.

"Hey Ads." Walt replied.

I looked at him. He had dark blonde hair that never looked just right. I ran my fingers through his hair and smiled at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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