15- Viola

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The next day, Jordan walks up to the lunch spot with a plan. She sees the girl with the book sitting against the wall and decides that she is just dying for a friend and needs to come at lunch with us.

"You don't need to do that." I tell her.

"Why not?"

"Most of the time, when people are sitting alone, it means that they don't want someone to come up and talk to them."

"And how do you know that?" Before I can answer, she gets up and walks over to the girl. They talk for a few minutes before Jordan comes back, defeated.

"She doesn't want to eat with us." she tells Eli and I.
"Told you." I reply.

"I will not give up!" Jordan pulls a cookie out of her book bag and walks back over. A few moments later, the two of them come back and sit down.

"Did you just bribe this poor girl with a cookie?" I ask. Jordan nods smugly.

"HI, I'm Avia." I tell the girl. "You don't have to sit with us if you don't want to."

Jordan interjects. "No! You must! We both need more friends. The three of us need to stick together. We can be like the Three Musketeers, or the Three Amigos, or what not."

"Um, hi." Eli says. "I exist too, if you haven't noticed."

"You could be D'Artagnan." the girl whispers quietly.

"What?" Eli asks.

"You know, the other guy in the Three Musketeers?"

"Was that a yes?" asks Jordan.

"I guess so." says the girl, shrugging. Jordan lets out a whop of success. 

"I'm Eli, that strange girl over there is Jordan, and Avia already introduced herself." Eli says politely.

"I'm Viola." she says. She sets her book bag and lunch down and smiles shyly.

"This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." says Jordan, her face alive with excitement.  

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