1 - Night In

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I walk into the house Andrew and I share expecting to see him when I walk or hear his beautiful voice singing a new song he had written, but he didn't come up to me and kiss me hello like he usually does and I couldn't hear a sound.

"Andrew?", I call out, but no answer. I check my phone and I have no missed calls or texts from him, the last text he sent me was 20 minutes ago saying he was home. I could smell his sweet, manly scent that I love so much, this confirmed the fact that he was indeed home.

"Andrew?", I call out again walking into the living room and into kitchen but still no sight of him. I walk up the coffee coloured carpeted stairs and open the door to our bedroom. I smile and laugh as I see his tall, slender body lay out across our bed with petals surrounding him.

"Uh what's this?", I ask amused by him laying there smiling at me.

"I just thought you needed to relax, you've been so busy with work recently", he smiles. He gets up from our bed and walks over to me. He puts his hands on my cheeks as we look into each others eyes. We share a passionate kiss, before he pulls away. I swear this man has the best lips ever, they are sweet and smooth, I could kiss them all day.

"Follow me", he takes my hand and leads me into the bathroom. Another thing about this wonderful man were his hands. They are big and soft and they make me feel safe. I look into the room and see the bath full of water and bubbles and the water is pink which I guessed meant he had put the bath bomb in already.

"I thought we could just have a nice relaxing night in", he smiles placing his hands on my waist. I smile up at him. His eyes are yet another feature I love so much about him.

"That sounds good to me", we get undressed and I sit between his legs with my back to him. He cuddles me in and we just sit there for a bit talking about things to do over the weekend. Cuddles with Andrew are my favourite things ever, they are what I look forward to when coming home from work. Being in his embrace was where I wanted to stay forever, his long arms wrapped around me.

"Listen...I was thinking of going back to America for a bit to do some more interviews and gigs an-".

"What?", I turn around and ask in surprise, he had only just got back from America a month ago.

"Well I need to be there for a bit longer, I did say that to you when I first came back", he tries to touch my shoulder to pull me back into him but I push his hand away.

"Oh okay, so that's okay I only get to spend not even a month with my boyfriend before he heads away from me again", I say hurt by the fact he would be gone for a while again. I love him so much and want his career to go far but I miss him and don't get to see him that much any more.

"You didn't even let me explain babe".

"How can anything you say make this better?", I ask still hurt but he just laughs. "How are you finding this funny?", I ask confused.

"Well if you hadn't of cut me off what I was going to say was, and will you come with me this time and all the next times?", he smiles rubbing my shoulder.

"What?", I ask confused. How can I with my work?

"Come with me, come everywhere with me. On tour as well you can travel with me and we can always be together.", I look at him still confused.

"Andrew, my work", I say.

"Quit, you hate it anyway plus I can support us both.", that was true I do hate my stupid office job but I can't let him be the only one making money.

"Andrew that's crazy, I can't let you do that".

"No I want to, please let me I love you so much", he puts his arms around me again, pulling me back into his tight embrace.

"Seriously?", I ask still confused about his suggestion.

"Yeah, then after all that we can settle down somewhere and get married and we will have children together someday. They will have my musical talents and your beauty.", I smile at the thought.

"Well when you put it like that how can I disagree", I turn around and kiss those sweet lips again. He pulls away to speak.

"So that's the future sorted then", he smiles and we kiss again.

Our night in consisted of more kissing, much more. I loved these moments with Andrew they are the ones I treasured the most. Just us, sharing intimate and loving moments.

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