Dreams & Nightmares ~ Part 14

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After the talk with Tre I ran to Ron room and before I opended the door I heard him and Sabrina on the phone He said *Look Sabrina I Love You but we can't let Rose or anyone else know about us just yet* After hearing that I walked into his room and started smiling and laughing he made a weird look at me 

Me:So you and Sabrina huhh?

Ron:Huh what you talking about 

Me:Don't play stupid 

Ron:Rose let me explain

Me:No you good just don't hurt my bestfriend please and Im thinking about making Tre my bf if thats cool

Ron:Tre .... aww shit we dating bestfriends now 

Me:Not yet not after what happend plus I think im .........

Ron:What Rose

Me:I think im pregnant

Ron:Why you think that ?

Me:I've been throwing up alot latly 

Ron:If you are who's the daddy *Looks at me with anger*

Me:*Starts crying* N-N-Noah 

Ron:Really Rose how many times did you fuck this niqqa

Me:Like 8 times at the most I promise 

Ron:Me Sabrina and Tre taking yo ass to the doctors to see if you are and seeing if you caught sum

Me:okay and Tre said he gone stay with me tonight 

Ron:Cool and imma ask Ssabrina to stay with me 

Me:*Starts laughing* don't do nun with my bestfriend 

Ron:*Laughs* Ima try not to

Me:okay well im about to jump in the shower 


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