2: "Ultimately the bond of all companionship is conversation"

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Thank you to those of you who have voted and commented on the first two parts, I’m obviously new to Wattpad and appreciate the support so much :) If you’d like me to read your works, just tell me in the comments and I’ll definitely go do that and follow you too!

This is a partial spoiler, but it is some necessary background information (which I only know as I’ve followed Zoe’s blog for about 2/3 years now, and some of her newer subscribers may not know).

Summer Daze (with Blackberry) was a TV show on Channel 4 last summer, where the cast visited as many festivals as possible. Wilf, Zoe’s boyfriend went without her knowing and hooked up with one of the cast without Zoe knowing, and she found out because of a picture posted on Twitter by organizers.

 That’s about all you need to know. It’s a long chapter, so brace yourselves. So now that’s out of the way – here we go!


“Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation” – Oscar Wilde

They say one of the pivotal moments in any relationship is that first talk.


This can be interpreted in many ways; it could be the first time you meet them, where it’s blindingly obvious whether you’ve made a connection with this person or if they’ll just be another person to add to a sea of familiar faces. I could relate to that, after all if it weren’t for that instant connection with each and every one of my friends, I doubt I would be the person I was today.


But I saw another meaning to ‘that first talk.’ I saw it as the first time Zoe and I had had a deep conversation for hours on end; obviously we’d had meaningful conversations before, but this one had been different. We’d stayed up, constantly switching between lying in silence and talking, for hours on end, and neither of us had realized how long we’d spent doing this until we’d heard birds chirping outside.

The two days we’d spent at Tanya and Jim’s had been the start of the change in our relationship. That was the night I’d realized just how much I meant to Zoe, and just how much she meant to me.

The first day of our stay at Jim and Tanya’s had completely flown by; the saying ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ could not have been more accurate. When Zoe and I had arrived, Tanya had jumped on us with excitement; surprised we’d managed to get there so early. We’d been given a tour of the house, and we’d all realized something at exactly the same time, something none of us had thought through before: Tanya and Jim only had one guest room, with one double bed.

Don’t get me wrong, I was comfortable enough with Zoe; we were always hugging and sitting close to one another, but at this point we’d been yet to share a room for the night, let alone a bed. Zoe’s cheeks had immediately flushed pink, and I’d put my arm around her to reassure her. “Zo, it’s fine, I’ll sleep downstairs on the sofa. It’s no big deal.”

That had been the original plan. Zoe had felt guilty but I’d reassured her I was fine and after that she’d seemed fine, enjoying our day shopping; the day had been light-hearted and fun, just as I’d expected. She’d even seemed fine when we were watching Broadchurch; it had only been later, when we were flicking through TV shows, had her mood drastically changed.

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