Chapter Two

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Chapter Title: Another Time

Date: September 12th, 11:25 P.M. 

"So, is this a common occurrence here?" Camila asked, giving the small room a glance over for the first time that night. Lauren turned around, following the younger girl's gaze, and began inspecting the area as well.

It was early in the night, but most of the people were already drunk. One guy in particular was already passed out in the center of the makeshift "dance floor," forcing everyone to step around him. Lauren couldn't help but laugh, everyone looked ridiculous cramped in such a small place. Everyone was on top of everyone, dancing, nearly stepping on each other's feet and knocking one another down. The liquor was cheap, the music was unrecognizable, and the room smelled of vomit and hot body odor from sweaty bodies. It wasn't appealing at all, but Lauren always came to parties like this. If she didn't show up, people would be worried. It was if she belonged to this type of environment, she was associated with it. When she didn't over-think where she was or what she was doing, she could get lost here and have a blur of temporary fun and happiness. But when she was on the outside looking in, as she was now, it just made her question her life and actions. It didn't look as fun to her from the outside.

"You mean trash parties on campus?  It's practically what we're known for." Lauren scoffed, still questioning her presence.

"It doesn't seem very fun." Camila replied, face in slight disgust.

Lauren turned to look at her, noticing her facial change, thinking about how she was just thinking the same thing. There was something about tonight that just made Lauren begin to question what she was doing, she didn't know what it was or why, but she certainly didn't like it.

"I suppose it doesn't when you're on the outside. But it's a good way to get away from the world for a bit if that's what you're into or need." Lauren replied, trying to shake the thoughts from her cluttered head.

"It doesn't seem like a good anything. You don't get anything done when you're constantly trying to get away. Everyone here is just acting reckless and immature, they're not acting like they have a future to work towards. I guarantee you at least half of these people are failing." Camila replied, laughing.

Lauren was slightly shocked at her freely expressing her thoughts, and slightly agitated and hurt at her remarks. Lauren was one of these "people." This was a change from the shy girl that was hiding behind Ally at first. She was warming up to Lauren slightly, feeling cockier in the conversation, and Lauren kind of liked it though.

"You think I don't have a future to work towards? I'll have you know I'm happily passing all my classes." Lauren said in defense, raising an eyebrow towards the younger girl, but Camila didn't meet her focus, she just continued to look around the room. It was as if it was a new sight to her, and she treated it as if she was at a zoo, studying in fascination.

"I'm sure you're a needle in a haystack compared to this bunch." Camila mumbled, nearly bumping into her as a pack of drunk freshmen tumbled towards the door, causing her to move over out of the way.

Lauren wrapped an arm around Camila by her waist, steadying her and pulling her closer to make sure she wasn't ran into. Camila looked up at her and shyly mouthed the words "thanks" before shifting her gaze to the ground, trying to hide her slightly blushing cheeks. She wasn't used to being in places like these, it was as if she was too small of such a place, like a child.

Lauren returned her arm back to her side. "Of course." Lauren replied, starring at the girl.

She had noticed how easily the brunette was made to feel shy and blush, and it made something stir inside of her at the sight. Lauren could already tell that Camila was different, and there was something about her already that just seemed like a breath of fresh air compared to everyone else in the room. Even though Camila seemed to not like the people in this room, those of which Lauren were routinely a part of, something inside of Lauren seemed to like her more and more as the conversation went on.

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