Last Times

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I never really thought about how many things would be my last.

My last day as a human,
My last day as a friendless child,
My last day of lonely transformations,
My last day of Hogwarts,

My last day of happiness.

October Thirtieth, 1981

"Sirius, for the last time, you've got to wait! It's only the thirtieth! Your birthday's in five days!" I smiled at my boyfriend, pecking his lips gently with mine.

"But Moony!" He whined half-heartedly. "You know I can't wait that long!" Sirius was always a drama queen, so, with an overdramatic sigh, he fell onto the couch and groaned. "You're no fun!"

I just laughed at sat on his lap. "You need to learn to be patient, Paddy!" I nuzzled his shoulder, and he smiled and melted into my soft touches. If Sirius Black had a weakness, it was definitely his neck.

"Can I get a hint?" He begged, pulling out his best puppy-dog eyes and jutting his lower lip out slightly.

"Hmm," I mused sarcastically, "maybe."


"Sure. Here's a hint: you'll love it," I smiled, kissing his cheek, the roughness of slight stubble tickling my lips.

"Oh that's no good!" He whined. "You know I love everything you do!"

I smiled into his tender embrace, our hips rolling slightly as we kissed on the old couch in the old parlor in the old Lupin Cottage. I knew he'd love what I got him, for it was simply the best idea I've ever had. I just hoped he thought so too.

October Thirty-First, 1981

I don't like thinking about last times. Especially my last time seeing my best friends alive.

Sirius and I spent the day at the Potters' house, a welcome distraction in the heat of the war. Despite being with friends, mistrust hung in the air like thick fog.

"Remus?" Lily called out. "Mind watching Harry for moment? James and I need to talk to Sirius. Privately." She grimaced slightly, and placed the squirming toddler in my scarred arms. I smiled down at the child, who babbled quietly, tugging on my hair with his pudgy little fingers. I slid my index finger into his tiny hand, and he gripped it tightly, almost too tightly, like he too could feel the impending war looming all around us.

But then he pulled my finger into his mouth, and sucked on it, giggling as I jumped when he bit down slightly.
I looked down at his silky hair, forming a black halo around his cherub-like face.
He didn't know what was going on around him, but the signs were all there.

His mam and dad would hold him tighter than others,

They would make sure he always slept between them, on the nights the darkness seemed darker,

They said I love you more than usual, because they never knew what time would be their last,

His godfather had to hold back tears every time he saw him, because it's just not fair, he's just a baby,

His uncle Moony treasured every moment he held him, because those moments were getting fewer and further apart, since his mam and dad began to doubt uncle Moony's trustworthiness.

"I'm sorry, little one," I whispered, feeling tears come to my eyes. "But I think this might be our last."

Lily came back to retrieve Harry, and Sirius and I said our goodbyes. But as we flooed home, I couldn't help but think last.

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