Chapter 1 - "Full House"

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Before I start this book, I want to say thank you so much for 3k followers! It's insane how far we've come from 0 followers so fast, and I want to thank all of you that have stuck with me from the very beginning or even just joined. I love every single one of you and I'm so thankful that I can do what I love and have fun with all of you.

To celebrate 3k followers, I will be doing an Omegle meet up on Monday, August 8th, from 12:00pm to 2:00pm CDT.

Just go to and set your interests as Septiplier_Away13 and 3kFollowerMeetUp, and everyone can chat together and I'll get to meet a few of you guys :)

I hope to see you all then! :D

And now, to the story...



Freak. Ugly. Talentless. Unpopular. Gay.

Those words never left Jack's mind. They were always haunting him, but he tried his hardest to not let them get to him. School was miserable. People talk about hating high school, but they didn't experience what Jack did.

Jack had piercings, beanies, tattoos, dyed hair, and didn't wear anything but dark colors. Technically "Punk", but to everybody at school he was a freak.

He grew to hate people. Everybody except for a few close friends. Felix, Arin, and Danny. He met them in middle school before people hated him. In high school everything went to shit.

He told one person his secret, and the very next day the entire school knew he was gay. He was bullied until his mother noticed him coming home with scrapes and bruises. That was when Jack learned he didn't need anybody but Felix, Arin, and Danny. Nobody else.

His first year of high school Jack found his love for playing the drums. He knew Arin and Felix loved to play guitar, but as soon as he found out Danny liked to sing he got an idea.

Present Day

"Felix! Give me back my drumsticks ya bitch!" Jack laughed and ran after Felix. "Come on! We have to go on in 20 minutes!"

Felix laughed and tossed the drumsticks to Arin. Arin managed to catch one but the other rolled across the floor and Jack grabbed it.

"Arin!" Felix shouted as Jack hit him playfully in the back of the head with his drumstick.

Danny grabbed the stick from Arin as he ran by, and handed it to Jack. "Come on guys, we need to get ready."

Jack smiled and sat at his drums as Felix and Arin picked up their guitars. Danny took his place at the microphone just as someone walked in.

"Excuse me, it's time for your performance..." The person said. It was one of the kids in theatre tech, he had on a mic and was wearing all black. "But, I don't know if you want to perform... Only one person showed up."

Jack's face dropped. Their first performance, and barely anyone showed up. He opened his mouth to speak but Danny stepped forward.

"That's alright! That person wants a show, we'll give 'em a show, right?" Danny smiled. He was always positive, without him in the band they wouldn't make it through one practice. Everyone nodded. That person came to hear them play, no harm done if they perform for the one person.

They all set up their instruments and the tech guy opened the curtains. Jack looked out into the audience, where he saw someone sitting in the front row middle seat. He smiled and started a slow beat on the drums.


After their final song the person in the audience clapped, and the curtains closed. Everybody started to pack up their instruments when somebody came running around the corner on stage.

Jack looked to see a man about his height with floofy red and black hair. Jack never noticed what he looked like before because of the blinding lights, but now he got a good look at him. And damn was he handsome.

He caught Jack's eye and smiled warmly as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Hey, thanks for playing tonight. I know I was the only one here, but you guys sounded awesome!" He had a deep, smooth voice. "I'm Mark by the way."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Danny. This is Arin, Felix, and Jack." He gestured to the three of us. Mark looked over to Jack and smiled. Jack noticed he had beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Jack's face dusted with pink and he scratched the back of his neck, looking away and breaking their gaze.

They all talked for a while until Mark asked a question.

"Hey, why aren't you guys popular? You sound really good, and you're super talented."

Jack shrugged. "I guess nobody likes rock. We put posters all over the campus, and only you came."

Mark thought for a minute, until he got an idea. "Hey! There's a music festival coming up! Bands can come and play their music for a big crowd. There'll also be agents there, so if you guys play really well we might get an offer." Mark was smiling like a madman. It instantly sparked hundreds of ideas, and they all stayed late that night discussing their plans for the music festival.


YAAAY! First chapter done :3

This book is going to be fairly long, or so I've planned. Sorry if it's bad right now, I usually get better once I get used to the story.

I'll try to keep each chapter at least 1,000 words long. If I do what I want to do then it'll be shorter, but if it's too short I'll basically write 2 chapters in one.

I hope you guys like it so far, I'm super excited and can't wait to really get going on the book :3

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!


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