The truth behind Phineas and Ferb

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This is the truth behind the cartoon that we all love, Phineas and Ferb...

Candace was real girl that was born with a mental disorder called Schitzophrenia, wich made her imagine things that arnt really there. Then theres her little brother Phneas who also had a mental disorder called ADHD, this made him very hyper and over active. Then Candas and Phineases mother and father got a divorce and soon there mother was remarried and gave birth to a boy named Ferb. Ferb was born with mental retardation, and this made him very quet. A little bit after Ferb was born Candace started imagining that her brothers built things like roller coasters and skate parks, ect... Candace always tried to tell her mother but her mother could not see them cause it was all in her head. Candaces mother began to worry about Candace so she took her to a therapist named doctor Doofenshmirtz, doctor doofenshmitz gave Candace meds that would help with the imaginations. But sadly Candace got addicted to these drugs and over dosed and died. Candaces mother found Candace dead in her bed with her journal in her hands, after the funeral Candases mother read her diary and found all the things that Candace seen. Candaces mother sold the diary the Disney channel to either show her respect or pay for the brothers mental desorders that has never been proven.

sorry if I ruined your child hood but that is the truth.

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