Fuck-mature content-

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1 week later
"Jack mm" Jane said sighing softly
"This is just the beginning."
Jack took his hands and clawed at Janes sides, he separated her legs and pulled her up to his face. Jack slowly began.
"Jack! Ah!" Jane said with her neck arched back
Jack licked janes neck and bit at it, he didn't stop doing what he was doing though. He went faster and faster
"Fuck Jack!" "Jack!" Jane moaned loud.
Jack smacked Janes ass and put a little grip on her neck. Jane put her hand on jacks hand and closed her eyes as Jack kept smacking janes ass.
3 hours later
Jack gave Jane a coloring book and some crayons and sat next to her as he watched her color in drawings. "Kill later?" Jack asked. Jane nodded and bit jacks lip as she continued to color.

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