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"I just want to go home and sleeeeppppp." I groaned.

"Please Lexi. Rose called in and we have no one else. Pleaseeeee" Gabe stuck out his bottom lip and gave me the puppy dog eyes. He could get away with anything with those things.

"Fine." I sighed. "BUT, I get next Saturday AND Sunday off for the 5SOS concert." 5SOS was my all time (low... see what I did there XD) favorite band and they were going to be in Chicago next weekend and there was no way I was going to miss that!

"Fine,okay, whatever you want, thank you for staying!" he smiled

"Yeah,yeah, whatever" I walked away as Gabe started to laugh behind me.

I went over to my bag and grabbed my phone, texting my roommate/best friend, Cassie, saying I was staying late. I then began to scroll through my favorite app, tumblr. I was scrolling through tumblr for about 5 minutes before some new girl walked over to me.

"Lexi, right?" she said

I looked down at my name tag "No my name is Emily, they just put Lexi on my name tag" I said smiling a bit. Yes, I have my sassy pants on. Bitch they are always on!!

"Well, I just sat someone in your section" she said glaring a bit. I guess she didn't like my sarcasm?

"I'll be right there" I said putting my phone in my back pocket, grabbing my notepad and pen and walking to the table.

"Hello,my name is Lexi and I'll be your waitress, what can I get you to drink?" I said my lines while writing the table number on my notepad. I finally looked at my customer and DAMNNN!!! His eyes were so blue! How did they get that blue?! Did he paint them?! And don't even get me started on his hair, he was beautiful!

"I'll just have a chocolate milk" He said, looking up at me.

"Okay, I'll go get that and come back to take your order" I said walking away. Okay, I can breathe now. I'm all good. I didn't almost have a heart attack when he looked me in the eyes, nope.

I quickly got the glass and walked back over to him. He was looking down at the menu, biting his lip, and playing with his hair a bit. I set down the glass, sliding in the seat in front of him. He looked up,tilted his head a bit, and smiled at me. He looks like a cute puppy!

"Serious question." I pulled out two straws from my apron. "Bendy straw or not lame straw" I smiled at him. His smile grew, "bendy straw, definitely" he laughed a bit. I handed him the straw, "have you chosen what you want?" I pulled out my pen and notepad.

"You?" I think I heard him mumble, I looked up at him and he immediately looked down. "ummm I'll have the original buttermilk pancakes" he looked up.

"okay, it will be out soon." I smiled and walked away to give the cooks the order. I had no other table so I went over to the counter and grabbed a kids coloring book and the pack of 2 crayons. Pink and orange, cool. I start coloring the pancake orange when I hear someone clear their throat. I looked up to see the guy from my table. "Oh sorry! Do you need anything?" I said while putting down my crayons.

"Actually, I was wondering if I could get a coloring book and some crayons?" He said smiling a bit.

"Oh yeah, sure. Any certain color?" I said getting the book and picking up the basket of crayons.

"Choose for me." He said looking in the basket.

"Okay, here's a blue and green" I handed him the crayons and book.

"Not to be creepy or anything, but wanna go back to the table and color with me" He laughed a bit.

"Sounds good" I picked up my book, and crayons and followed him back to the table. He sat down and I sat across from him. I started to color the pancake again.

"Sooo, may I know your name?" I looked up to find him staring at me.

"Umm yeah, I'm Austin." He grabbed his crayons and began coloring.

"So Austin tell me a little bit about yourself" I said while doing a word search.

"Well I love bands, and I sing. I have 2 brothers, Sean and Zach. Sean was on America's Got Talent. Ummm my favorite color is blue and I love to watch Project Runway."

"Interesting. My favorite color is also blue, and I haven't heard of Project Runway" I looked up and him.

"Well we are definitely gonna have to change that" he laughed. "I know its probably too soon for this, but I'd like to get to know you more, ummm can I get your number?" he mumbled looking down at the table. HE LOOKED LIKE A SCARED PUPPY!

"Hmmmm.... I don't know, can you?" I said laughing a bit.

He looked up smiling a bit, "MAY I have your number?"

"Yes, yes you can." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and told him my number. "Well, I better go check to see if your food it ready" I got up from the table and walked to the kitchen. Sure enough his food was sitting on the counter. I grabbed it and took it back to his table. "Here you go, need anything else?" I asked putting the plate down on the table.

"Yeah, I need someone to play tic-tac-toe with me" He said looking up at me.

"Sure, but I go first, and I get to use the blue crayon" I sat down with him, picking up the blue crayon.

"Fine" he picked up the green one.


After playing 3 games,me winning 2 out of 3 of them, and him eating his food, it was time for me to clock out. "Well, I stayed 10 minutes late, I should probably go clock out and head home" I said getting up.

"I should probably get home too" He got up soon after me. "I'll text you sometime, yeah?" he put his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah, I'd like that" I said as I reached behind me and undoing my apron.

He smiled and turned to walk out the door. I turned and walked to the back, clocked out, and left to go home and finally sleep.

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