Chapter 10

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He smiles down at me. I cant help but smile back just seeing his pearly whites. "Hey, i guess we just keep bumping into each other. Huh?". His remark made me laugh lightly. "Yeah. At least now you don't have to sacrifice anything" i joke trying to be nice. I shouldn't have stayed so long. I should've just gotten my top and gone home. But i wouldn't have seen him again. I was brought out of my thoughts by his angelic voice. "No, it was totally worth it. I probably need to lay off the ice cream anyways. I grabbed a smoothie instead anyways". So he's a health nut. Huh. Explains why he's so fit. "So calling me fat are you"? I joke, but i instantly regret it by the look on his face. "N-no! I just, i just. Haha" he says stumbling over his words eventually scratching his neck and turning his green eyes towards the ground. I put a reassuring hand on his bicep, "i was kidding, but thanks for not agreeing ha" i giggle. The minute he feels my hand on his arm he tenses. I feel a certain heaviness to my hand when it meets his arm. Not a numb kind of heavy, but a significant heaviness. The kind of heaviness that you get when your falling into a deep sleep when your warm and comfortable. "Sorry, i didn't catch your name the other day. It is"? He says while smiling widely. "Katerina, and yours"? It seems the minute I'm done talking he takes a minute to himself to absorb. Its just me. He cant feel this way back. Look at him then look at me. "Derek, nice to meet you Katerina". Derek. Derek. It suits him perfectly. Wait. Did he just say my name? The way my name left his mouth was god like. It sounded like a glimpse of euphoria. Just thinking about the way he says my name makes me smile like an idiot. And somehow that makes him smile too. "I-i know this is a bit fast. But, do you wanna go out to dinner"? This makes me smile even more if its possible. "No, yeah of course". He smiles. He asked me out, he actually wants to be around me. "Alright well here is my phone number and I'll pick you up on Friday at 8". He says handing me a piece of paper that he just finishes scribbling on. I nod dumbfounded. Soon he walks me up to the register and we say our goodbyes. I pay for my things and walk to my car. What am i going to wear? How does he even want to go out with me? What if i embarrass myself and he never talks to me again? Pulling out of the parking lot and driving my way back to my house i think of worst possible scenarios. I already have my outfit all planned out by the time i get home. Getting all of my bags out and putting everything away i go and lay down on my couch eating pocky and watching Netflix. Soon i fall asleep like that.

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