A villians love story

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She then said "um sure what do you want to talk about"? Carlos was so nervous but he knew he had to tell her. He said "um well Im a villians son. My mom is Cruella De Vil and Mal,Evie,and Jay are villians too. Mal is the daughter of Maleficent, Evie is the Evil Queens daughter and Jay is the son of Jafar. Marie was shocked to hear this because she liked Carlos too. She said "why didn't you tell me this when we were talking by the lake"? He told her "because i was nervous and i thought you wouldn't talk to me". She said "yea I still would if you were straight up with me". She looked like she was going to cry so she told Carlos "i got to go". Evie knew this would happen so she went to go talk to Marie. Jay asked Carlos "Are you ok dude"? He said "no im not i lost the girl that i liked and I dont think i will ever get her back". With tears in his eyes he left. So Mal went to go talk to him. Mal said "Carlos just go talk to her and tell her you are not one of those villians". He told her "I can't because she probably don't want to talk to me anymore".

A Villians Love Story By:Cassidy LabbatoWhere stories live. Discover now