A dollar, a coin, a will

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So, many of us do this for fun and all, but some do this for publisity.
Others do this because, thats how they make friends.
many do it to pass time.

Drunk on pain
Dazed by thought
Thought of playin games
ended up doing naught
A golden coin
A silver mine
a treasure trove
A money grove
as many search
and few do find
success in writing
and have time to continue,
the will of the writer
the mind of an author,
the beauty of a poet
and the view of an artist,
all of them are one
with the exception of their trade,
but the fact remains standing
that their skill
and thought
leads to a work of art
etched into paper,
canvas, technology
for all to find
and all to read.
Do any of you have the will
the idea and skill set
to follow your dream and make it come true?

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