Chapter One: One Rouge, One Supporter

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"Hey, Emmett? Can you toss me my clothes I set out?" I asked as I stuck my head through the bathroom door.

"Uh, sure, love." He replied as he got up from his project he was working on. He was building his own Radio Transmitter just so he could keep track of other packs. I thought it was a great idea. We need it in order to be safe. I'm not having a Round Two of a slaughter.

He went over and handed me my clothes, consisting of black skinny jeans, a Ramones singlet, a black and yellow plaid flannel and under garments.

"Thanks, Em."

"Sure thing."

He sauntered back over to his transmitter as I closed the door behind me, locking it. God, if I had a mate, there would be no locking of the doors. Too possessive, guess that's another reason why I don't want a damn Mate.

I took the damp towel off my head and ran a brush through it, detaching my horrible knots.
I slipped on my panties and hooked on my bra before shimmying into my jeans and slipping on my singlet. I shrugged on my flannel and rolled up the sleeves before resting my hands on the dirty bathroom sink.

It was quiet in here...almost peaceful.
I slowly looked up and swiped my hand over my reflection to rid the steam caking the mirror.
And as always, that same goddamn horrid face stared back. Now, don't get me wrong. I used to be beautiful. I had golden, blonde, wavy hair with mesmerising Amber eyes and specks of sapphire blue. My skin used to be perfectly tanned and toned, while my body used to be perfectly fit. Not too thin, not too round, but unbelievably perfect.
If a past me looked at a future me, my past me wouldn't recognise me at all.

My golden, blonde, wavy hair had dulled out and discolored from the millions of times I had dyed it. My hair was a faint orange from the last time I had dyed it red. My Amber eyes with the sapphire blue had lost its Color as well and turned grey. The only times my eyes had any speck of true color in them, was when I was in a certain mood.
My tanned and toned skin had lost its sunlight and turned pale and skinny. I wasn't as perfect as used to be and all because I went rogue. All because of that bastard that took my life away and fed it to the dogs.

My hands still rested on the sink as I glared at myself. I slowly looked down at my wrists. Another imperfection; I had scars.
My life went on a downhill spiral so I quickly, I just told myself this was the only escape and just when I thought it couldn't get any true mate, an Alpha no less, finds me in a bar.
I smelled him the minute I had stepped over the threshold. My world seemed to be coming to an end as I spotted him in the very back corner with a Budweiser in one hand and a girl's breast in the other. He was macking on her face like there was no tomorrow, and as I stepped in, as quickly as I saw it, he let go and whipped his head around to my direction. You would've thought he had gotten whiplash because of how fast he jolted around.
He knew it as well as I did...we were true mates. Before either one of us had time to process what had just happened, I bolted. I quickly shed my clothes and booked it out of the bar.

I reeked of jealousy. I may've not wanted a mate, but when I saw him playing tonsil hockey with some whore, that was it. When I got home, I went ape shit. I flipped over tables and smashed windows and screamed bloody murder before Emmett come home to hold me down.
My knuckles had scanned over from the window panes I had smashed in and the wood splinters that impaled my flesh.
It took Emmett nearly an hour to get them out and about another couple of hours to clean up. Poor Em...I truly felt horrible for making him worry and destroying his house all the time. That's right, this wasn't the first time I went rage. No matter how many times I had apologised to him, he didn't want to hear it. He told me that he knew what would happen if I loved in here and no matter how many visions he got, he still let me stay because he said he was willing to clean up the mess if that meant my safety under his household. A true friend.

Emmett and I have known each other since we were wee pups. We were both apart of The Shadow Pack and our mothers had grown up together, meaning Emmett and I did too. It's a bittersweet thing. I love my mother with everything, but if she hadn't died, I wouldn't have met Emmett. Emmett and I met at her funeral. I knew his mother because of the numerous times she came over, but she never brought Emmett with her.
Emmett was there for me through the grieving process of the death of my mother. He was there for me when I got knocked down to Omega, he was there for me when my father killed Faze and he was there for me when he kicked me out of the pack.
Once Emmett found out about me being kicked out of my own pack, he went rage. It took me hours to convince him that going after my father would mean signing his own death warrant. After awhile, be agreed and left the pack with me. He told me I was too important to be alone like that and I thanked him for hours. I still thank him today. I can't even repay him for everything that he's done for me.
Emmett was my rock, my shoulder to cry on when shit got tough and my world.

"Hey, you alive in there?" The amused but concerned voice of Emmett asked on the other side of the wooden door.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and whipped my head to the voice.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry, one second." I muddled as I regathered myself.

Emmett does everything for me. He's got not one, but two jobs to support both him and myself. He bought this apartment on his own, pays rent, I help with the bills and he still has enough to put food on the table for the two of us. He was one of a kind. Emmett worked at the 7-11 in Tuesday's, Wednesday's and Fridays, while the days in between he worked as a Barista at Farley's. A small coffee house in downtown Oakland, California.
I normally worked at a record store up in Berkeley throughout the week called, 'Seventh String Records'.

I breathed in deeply and breathed out before I opened the door and walked out of the bathroom.

"Took you long enough," Emmett said playfully.

"Hey, I got an idea."


"You wanna go for a run?"

"You just had a shower," He laughed.

"I know, but I can always have another one, right?"

He smiled in agreement...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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